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20 Things to Do in Yunnan: Tourist Attractions & Places to Visit in Yunnan

Written by Senior Expert Felicia|Updated: 2024-06-28

Yunnan, situated in the southwest of China, is a treasure trove of captivating destinations and cultural experiences, offering an abundance of things to do and see. When planning your travel list of top Yunnan attractions, it is essential to include Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, and Shangri-La.

In addition to these well-known Yunnan tourist attractions, several unique destinations should not be missed. From stunning natural landscapes to rich cultural heritage, Yunnan provides endless opportunities for exploration and immersion. Whether you are an adventurer seeking outdoor activities or a culture enthusiast yearning for historical sites, Yunnan offers something for everyone.

This is a curated Yunnan guide featuring the 20 best things to do in Yunnan, encompassing the aforementioned locations, Yunnan tourist attractions, and places to visit. Pack your luggage and embark on a journey to Yunnan, where you can immerse yourself in the colorful landscapes and diverse activities that await. This Yunnan attractions guide will ensure you have a comprehensive list of places to visit in Yunnan, allowing you to make the most of your Yunnan adventure.

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  • triangleYunnan Tourist Map with Yunnan Top Attractions
  • triangleNo.1 Visit the Capital City of Kunming (Spring City)
  • triangleNo.2 Wader through the UNESCO Stone Forest (Shilin), Kunming
  • triangleNo.3 Stroll around the UNESCO Old Town of Lijiang: Dayan, Shuhe, Baisha
  • triangleNo.4 Ride a Cable Car to Admire Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lijiang
  • triangleNo.5 Take a Leisure Cycling Ride along Erhai Lake, Dali
  • triangleNo.6 Explore the Old Capital of Dali in Dali Ancient City
  • triangleNo.7 Witness the Marvellous Tiger Leaping Gorge, Lijiang
  • triangleNo.8 Visit the Three Pagodas of the Nanzhao Kingdom, Dali
  • triangleNo.9 Unveil Shangri-La's Tibetan Charm in Songzanlin Monastery and Dukezong Ancient Town
  • triangleNo.10 Admire Shangri-La's Natural Splendor: Pudacuo National Park and Napahai Lake
  • triangleNo.11 Explore the Mesmerizing Yuanyang Rice Terraces
  • triangleNo.12 Experience the Tropical Vibes of Xishuangbanna
  • triangleNo.13 Capture the Beauty of the Red Land in Dongchuan
  • triangleNo.14 Experience the Primitive Atmosphere of Shaxi Ancient Town (Dali)
  • triangleNo.15 Discover historical charm of Jianshui Old City
  • triangleNo.16 Experience Unique Marriage Culture at Lugu Lake (Lijiang)
  • triangleNo.17 Witness the Golden Embrace: Sunrise over Meili Snow Mountain
  • triangleNo.18 Witness Golden Rapeseed Flowers Sea in Luoping from Jan to Mar
  • triangleNo.19 Sample Local Cuisine in Yunnan
  • triangleNo.20 Enjoy Ethnic Festivals in Yunnan
  • triangleRecommended Yunnan Itinerary with Top Attraction
  • triangleTravel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Yunnan

Yunnan Tourist Map with Yunnan Top Attractions

Yunnan China Map
Top attractions in Yunnan on map

No.1 Visit the Capital City of Kunming (Spring City)

Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan in China, is a vibrant and diverse city known as the "City of Eternal Spring" due to its pleasant climate year-round. You can travel to various destinations in Yunnan from Kunming. Kunming itself is also worth to visit for 1-2 days.

Summer Lotus, Green Lake
Summer Lotus, Green Lake
Chinese Garden Architecture, Green Lake
Chinese Garden Architecture, Green Lake

Things to Do in Kunming

Explore the Historical Yuantong Temple:

As one of Kunming's oldest and most important Buddhist temples, Yuantong Temple is worth a visit. It dates back over 1,200 years and features stunning architecture, tranquil courtyards, and beautiful gardens. Explore the temple halls, admire the intricate details of the sculptures and decorations, and experience a sense of tranquility amidst the bustling city.

Wander around the Green Lake Park:

Located in the heart of Kunming, Green Lake Park is a popular recreational area for locals and tourists alike. The park features a serene lake surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful flowers. You can take a leisurely stroll around the lake, rent a paddleboat, or simply relax on one of the benches while enjoying the peaceful ambiance. The park is especially picturesque during spring when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

Hike to Western Hills and Dragon Gate (Xi Shan and Longmen):

Located just outside Kunming, the Western Hills offer breathtaking natural scenery and cultural landmarks. Take a cable car ride up the hills and explore the Dragon Gate, a series of intricate grottoes and temples carved into the rock face. From the top, you can enjoy panoramic views of Kunming and the surrounding countryside.

No.2 Wader through the UNESCO Stone Forest (Shilin), Kunming

The Stone Forest, located 78 kilometers (48 miles) east of Kunming, is a magnificent geological wonder, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, famous for its towering limestone karst formations resembling a vast forest of stone. Millions of years of erosion have sculpted these unique rock formations, creating a landscape unlike any other. While visiting Kunming, you can easily arrange a day trip to explore the Stone Forest.

Kunming Stone Forest
Kunming Stone Forest
Nature Wonders - Shilin Stone Forest
Nature Wonders - Shilin Stone Forest

Things you must do in Shilin

  1. Witness the Various Geological Formations: The stone formations in the Stone Forest come in various shapes and sizes, resembling trees, animals, and mythical creatures. The intricate patterns and textures of the limestone create a visual spectacle that captivates visitors.
  2. Hiking Scenic Walking Trails: There are well-maintained walking trails throughout the Stone Forest that allow you to explore the area at your own pace. These trails take you through different sections of the forest, offering different perspectives and viewpoints.

Check more detailed information in Stone Forest.

No.3 Stroll around the UNESCO Old Town of Lijiang: Dayan, Shuhe, Baisha

Lijiang is home to the Naxi ethnic minority, known for their rich cultural heritage. The UNESCO Old Town of Lijiang encompasses three main ancient towns: Dayan, Shuhe, and Baisha. They are a living testament to the Naxi people's rich heritage.

Dayan Old Town, also known as Lijiang Old Town, stands out as the most famous and bustling ancient town in Lijiang. Baisha, the oldest among the three ancient towns, is renowned for its Baisha Mural, a masterpiece of Naxi art. Shuhe, located close to Dayan, offers a similar architectural style and layout but exudes a more tranquil and laid-back ambiance.

The ancient towns of Lijiang are interconnected by canals, adding to their charm. These towns captivate visitors with their well-preserved architecture, cultural significance, and tranquil surroundings. They provide a fascinating glimpse into the Naxi people's cultural heritage and offer a delightful experience for those who appreciate history, art, and traditional architecture.

Lijiang Old Town Amazing View
Lijiang Old Town Amazing View
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town

Things You Can Do in Old Town of Lijiang

  1. Take a leisurely stroll along the narrow streets of the ancient town, immersing yourself in the poetic atmosphere of Naxi life.
  2. Visit the Mu Palace to gain insights into the history and transformation of the old town.
  3. Explore the Black Dragon Pool Park and admire the magnificent Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
  4. Discover the origins and development of Dongba culture at the Dongba Culture Museum.
  5. In Baisha, marvel at the 800-year-old Baisha Mural Paintings, showcasing historical and religious scenes.
  6. Immerse yourself in Naxi culture through activities such as home visits, cooking Naxi cuisine, practicing Dongba calligraphy, and learning Naxi embroidery in Bsisha Village.
  7. Experience the traditional Naxi way of life by observing the unique architecture and layout of Shuhe ancient town.
  8. Sample local cuisine, including Naxi dishes and traditional tea, in charming restaurants and cafes.
  9. Shop for handicrafts and souvenirs in the numerous boutique shops and markets.

Check more detailed information in Lijiang Old Town.

No.4 Ride a Cable Car to Admire Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lijiang

The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, also known as Yulong Snow Mountain (玉龙雪山) in Chinese, is a majestic massif soaring over the Lijiang region in Yunnan, China. Its snow-capped peaks pierce the sky, reaching a height of 5,596 meters (18,360 feet) at its highest point, Shanzidou Peak. Its 13 peaks, adorned with glaciers and permanent snowfields, create a breathtaking panorama. The Naxi people, who inhabit the region, revere the mountain as a sacred place and consider it a source of spiritual power.

In Jade Dragon Snow Mountain scenic area, there are 5 main attractions: Glacier Park, Spruce Meadow, Yak Meadow, Blue Moon Valley, and Impression Lijiang Show, the first three are linked with cable cars from the foot of the mountain.

Cable car to Yulong Snow Mountain Glacier Park
Cable car to Yulong Snow Mountain Glacier Park
Waterfall in Blue Moon Valley
Waterfall in Blue Moon Valley

Things to Do in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

  1. High-Altitude Cable Car: Take a thrilling ride on the cable car for breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks and stunning landscapes.
  2. Meadows and Glaciers: Hike through the meadows and glaciers to immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
  3. Blue Moon Valley: Explore the serene Blue Moon Valley with its crystal-clear blue lakes, lush greenery, and towering peaks.
  4. Impression Lijiang Show: Witness the spectacular outdoor performance against the backdrop of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, showcasing the culture and traditions of the Naxi ethnic group.

Check more detailed information in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

No.5 Take a Leisure Cycling Ride along Erhai Lake, Dali

Erhai Lake, located in the city of Dali, is a picturesque lake shaped like an ear, with a shoreline stretching for 126 kilometers. Many popular attractions in Dali are scattered around the lake, making it a focal point for visitors. In recent years, cycling around Erhai Lake has emerged as a popular way to explore the beauty of Dali. The newly constructed Erhai Lake Ecological Corridor (洱海生态廊道) offers an ideal lakeside cycling trail for enthusiasts, with no motor vehicles allowed.

One of the most scenic sections of this cycling route begins from Longkan Pier (龙龛码头) near Dali Ancient City, and ends at Haisheshan Park (海蛇公园), near Xizhou Ancient Town. Covering a total distance of approximately 25 kilometers, the cycling trip around Erhai Lake typically takes around 2-3 hours to complete.

Erhai Lake Cycling Trail
Erhai Lake Cycling Trail
Seasonal Colors of Erhai Lake Shore
Seasonal Colors of Erhai Lake Shore

What to Expect from the Lakeside Cycling

  1. Scenic Beauty: The route takes you through scenic areas with open spaces, fields, and trees, providing a refreshing outdoor experience. The sparkling waters, lush greenery, and distant mountains create a picturesque backdrop for your ride.
  2. Cultural and Historical Sites: Along the cycling route, you may encounter cultural and historical sites worth exploring. For example, Xizhou Ancient Town, near the end of the trail, offers traditional Bai architecture and a glimpse into the local culture.
  1. Sunrise and Sunset Views: Starting your cycling journey from Longkan Pier near Dali Ancient City allows you to witness the breathtaking sunrise over Erhai Lake. Alternatively, if you plan your ride in the evening, you can enjoy the mesmerizing colors of the sunset reflecting on the water.

Check more detailed information in Xizhou Ancient Town.

No.6 Explore the Old Capital of Dali in Dali Ancient City

Dali Ancient City is a charming and well-preserved historic town located in Dali City. Dali Ancient Town is famous for its traditional Bai ethnic architecture. The town is filled with ancient buildings, including old courtyards, temples, and city gates. Strolling through the narrow streets provides a glimpse into the town's rich history and cultural heritage.

Strolling Through Dali Ancient Town
Strolling Through Dali Ancient Town
The Gateway of Dali Ancient Town, Yunnan
The Gateway of Dali Ancient Town, Yunnan

What to See and Do in Dali Ancient City

Dali Ancient City Walls: Walk along the ancient city walls, offering panoramic views of the town and the surrounding mountains.

Foreigners' Street: Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Foreigners' Street, a pedestrian-only paradise lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes.

Wuhua Tower: Climb the iconic Wuhua Tower, a symbol of Dali, for breathtaking 360-degree views.

Bai Folk Culture Museum: Delve into the rich heritage of the Bai people at the Bai Folk Culture Museum, showcasing their customs, clothing, and traditions.

Relaxing Evenings: As the sun sets, enjoy a leisurely stroll along Erhai Lake, savor delicious local cuisine, or soak in the lively atmosphere of Dali's bars and pubs.

Check more detailed information in Dali Ancient City.

No.7 Witness the Marvellous Tiger Leaping Gorge, Lijiang

The Tiger Leaping Gorge, also known as Hutiao Xia (虎跳峡) in Chinese, is a dramatic canyon carved by the Jinsha River, a primary tributary of the Yangtze River. It's roughly 60 kilometers (37 miles) north of Lijiang City and is part of the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas World Heritage Site. With a maximum depth of about 3,790 meters (12,434 feet) from the highest mountain peak (Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, 5596m) to the Jinsha River below, it's roughly twice as deep as the Grand Canyon!

The gorge is divided into three sections - Upper Gorge, Middle Gorge, and Lower Gorge. Near the mouth of the gorge in Upper Gorge lies the famous "Tiger Leaping Stone," a large rock in the middle of the river where the legendary tiger supposedly made its daring leap. Most travelers who travel to Tiger Leaping Gorge only arrive at the upper gorge to witness the roaring Jinsha River. For the adventurous, several hiking trails traverse the gorge, offering stunning views and a chance to immerse yourself in the dramatic scenery.

Lijiang Tiger Leaping Gorge (Upper Gorge)
Lijiang Tiger Leaping Gorge (Upper Gorge)
Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking
Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking

How to Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge

Accessibility: The gorge can be reached by bus or taxi from Lijiang City or Shangri-La City.

Best Time to Visit: The ideal time to visit the Tiger Leaping Gorge is during the dry season, from October to April. During the rainy season, trails can become muddy and slippery, and some activities might be limited.

Duration: If you only want to sightsee and not hike, you can spend about an hour in the Upper Gorge. If you want to hike, it is usually a two-day trip, crossing the Upper Gorge and the Middle Gorge.

Check more detailed information in Tiger Leaping Gorge.

No.8 Visit the Three Pagodas of the Nanzhao Kingdom, Dali

The Three Pagodas are iconic and historic structures in Dali. Standing tall at the foot of Mount Cangshan and facing Erhai Lake, the Three Pagodas are the centerpiece of the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple Cultural Tourism Area. The pagodas were commissioned by the Nanzhao Kingdom, which ruled Yunnan from the 8th to the 13th centuries. They served as Buddhist temples and were believed to bring peace and prosperity to the kingdom.

Iconic Three Pagodas Against the Sky
Iconic Three Pagodas Against the Sky
Standing Tall: The Three Pagodas
Standing Tall: The Three Pagodas

What to Expect from the Three Pagodas

Architectural Marvels: The central pagoda, Qianxun Pagoda, is the tallest, reaching 69.13 meters (226.8 ft). Flanking it on the north and south sides are two smaller pagodas, each about 41 meters (134.5 ft) tall. These pagodas were originally built between the 9th and 12th centuries AD during the reign of the Nanzhao Kingdom.

Scenic Surroundings: The location of the Three Pagodas is breathtaking. he surrounding landscape adds to the charm and beauty of the pagodas, making them a popular destination for photography and sightseeing.

Visit Chongsheng Temple: While most of the temple complex was destroyed over the centuries, you can still visit the reconstructed main hall, which houses a large Buddha statue and offers insights into the region's religious heritage.

Check more detailed information in Three Pagodas.

No.9 Unveil Shangri-La's Tibetan Charm in Songzanlin Monastery and Dukezong Ancient Town

Shangri-La, a land steeped in myth and legend, beckons you to explore its rich Tibetan culture. This captivating journey delves into the serene halls of Songzanlin Monastery and the bustling streets of Dukezong Ancient Town, offering a glimpse into the heart of Tibetan life.

Nestled amidst majestic mountains, Songzanlin Monastery, often referred to as the "Little Potala Palace," is the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Yunnan Province. Founded in 1679, it's a vibrant center of Gelugpa (Yellow Hat) Buddhism for over 300 years.

Step into Dukezong Ancient Town, nicknamed "Moonlight City" for its enchanting atmosphere. This 1,300-year-old town, once a vital stop on the Ancient Tea Horse Road, offers a captivating blend of Tibetan and Han Chinese influences.

Songzanlin Monastery, a sprawling complex in Shangri-La
Songzanlin Monastery, a sprawling complex in Shangri-La
Dukezong Ancient Town, Shangri-La
Dukezong Ancient Town, Shangri-La


Marvel at the Guinness World Record-holding Dukezong Ancient Town Grand Prayer Wheel, a massive structure standing tall at 37 meters (121 feet).

Explore opulent halls adorned with intricate murals depicting Buddhist tales. Dazzling golden statues of Buddha and flickering butter lamps create an aura of tranquility and devotion.

Wander along narrow cobbled streets lined with traditional Tibetan houses adorned with colorful prayer flags in Dukezong. Explore shops selling Tibetan handicrafts like prayer beads, musical instruments, and vibrant scarves.

No.10 Admire Shangri-La's Natural Splendor: Pudacuo National Park and Napahai Lake

Shangri-La's magic extends far beyond its cultural wonders. Nestled amidst the majestic peaks lies Pudacuo National Park, a haven for nature enthusiasts. Here, pristine lakes, vibrant meadows, and snow-capped mountains combine to create a breathtaking panorama in Shangri-La.  But the crown jewel of the park is Napahai Lake, a sight that will leave you speechless.

Shangri-La Pudacuo National Park Autumn View
Shangri-La Pudacuo National Park Autumn View
Yunnan Pudacuo National Park
Yunnan Pudacuo National Park

What to See and Things to Do

Trekking Adventures in Pudacuo: Embark on a scenic hike or bike ride along the shores of pristine alpine lakes like Bita Lake and Shudu Lake. Their crystal-clear waters reflect the snow-capped mountains, creating a picture-perfect scene. Check more hiking information in Yunnan Hiking Trails.

Horseback Riding in Napa Lake: For a unique perspective, explore the park on horseback. Traverse meadows, canter alongside the lake, and experience the thrill of riding through this pristine wilderness.

Spot Endemic Wildlife: Keep your eyes peeled for the park's diverse wildlife, including the endangered black-necked cranes, the playful red pandas, and the elusive takins, a unique goat-antelope species.

No.11 Explore the Mesmerizing Yuanyang Rice Terraces

The Yuanyang Rice Terraces, also known as the Yuanyang Hani Terraced Fields, is a breathtaking spectacle nestled in the southern reaches of Yunnan. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013, these cascading rice paddies carved into the mountainsides are a testament to the ingenuity and hard work of the Hani people for over 1,300 years.

Some of the popular Terraced Fields are Duoyishu Rice Terraces, Bada Rice Terraces, and Laohuzui (Tiger Mouth) Rice Terraces. From Kunming, you can easily arrange a 3-day trip to explore the Terraced Fields of Yuanyang.

See cloud sea over the Duoyishu Rice Terrace, Yuanyang
See cloud sea over the Duoyishu Rice Terrace, Yuanyang
Capture the Rich Colors at Laohuzui Rice Terraces
Capture the Rich Colors at Laohuzui Rice Terraces

Things You Can Expect to Do and See

  1. Water Reflection: During the planting season, the flooded terraces transform into a stunning mirror, reflecting the sky and creating a breathtaking panorama.
  2. Sunrise and Sunset: Experience the magical beauty of sunrise in Duoyishu and sunset in Laohuzui and Bada, as the golden light bathes the terraced landscape in a warm glow.
  3. Hike and Trek: Explore the terraced fields on hikes and treks, immersing yourself in the intricate irrigation system and marveling at the agricultural wonders.
  4. Photography Opportunities: Capture the mesmerizing patterns, vibrant colors, and interplay of light and shadow in the terraced landscape, making it a paradise for photographers.

Check more detailed information in Yuanyang Rice Terraces.

No.12 Experience the Tropical Vibes of Xishuangbanna

Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Xishuangbanna, a prefecture in southern Yunnan Province, China, where tropical vibes reign supreme. Lush rainforests teeming with exotic wildlife, cascading waterfalls, and vibrant cultural experiences await you in this captivating region.

The Gaozhuang Xishuangjing area of Jinghong City
The Gaozhuang Xishuangjing area of Jinghong City
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden's Water Lilies
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden's Water Lilies

Things to Do in Xishuangbanna

Visit the Wild Elephant Valley: Embark on a thrilling jeep safari through the Wild Elephant Valley and witness herds of majestic Asian elephants roaming freely in their natural habitat. Keep your eyes peeled for these gentle giants!

Explore the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden: Delve into a paradise of exotic plant life, from towering banyan trees to delicate orchids.

Dai Minority Park: Delve into the rich culture of the Dai people, the indigenous inhabitants of Xishuangbanna, at the Dai Minority Park. Witness traditional dance performances, admire intricate handicrafts, and gain insights into their way of life.

Jinghong Night Market: Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the Jinghong Night Market. Browse through a dazzling array of local crafts, textiles, and souvenirs. Savor delicious street food and soak up the lively energy of this nighttime spectacle.

Check more detailed information in Things to Do in XIshuangbanna.

No.13 Capture the Beauty of the Red Land in Dongchuan

Dongchuan, a region near Kunming, is a photographer's paradise with a captivating spectacle – the Red Land. These dramatic landscapes, sculpted by millions of years of erosion, are painted in fiery shades of crimson. Rolling hills ablaze with vibrant reds, contrasting with lush green fields and a backdrop of azure skies, create a scene unlike any other.

Photographer's Paradise - Dongchuan Red Land
Photographer's Paradise - Dongchuan Red Land
Elder Farmer at Yuepu Ao, Dongchuan
Elder Farmer at Yuepu Ao, Dongchuan

Best Time of Year to Visit Dongchuan Red Land

Post-Ploughing Magic (Mid-May to Early June): This is the prime time to capture the most vibrant reds. The freshly ploughed fields, devoid of crops, reveal the raw, fiery essence of the earth.

Patchwork Perfection (Late June to August): As crops like potatoes and buckwheat sprout, a captivating patchwork of colors emerges. Lush greens and vibrant yellows juxtapose with the reds, creating a mesmerizing composition.

Golden Glow (September to November): Autumn paints the landscape in warm hues. The red earth takes on a softer tone, harmonizing beautifully with the golden-yellow fields of ripening wheat.

Best Time of Day to Visit Dongchuan Red Land

Early Morning or Late Afternoon: The golden light of sunrise or the warm glow of sunset bathes the landscape in a magical aura.

Cloudy Days Can Be Your Ally: Overcast skies can diffuse harsh sunlight, preventing washed-out colors. Embrace the softer light for a more ethereal feel. The Red Land is said to be most beautiful 2-3 days after a light rain shower.

Check more detailed information in Dongchuan Red Land.

No.14 Experience the Primitive Atmosphere of Shaxi Ancient Town (Dali)

Located 100 km away from Dali City, Shaxi Ancient Town, once an important trading post along the ancient Tea Horse Road, is now a popular destination when travel to Dali and Lijiang. Unlike its more tourist-trodden counterparts, Shaxi retains an air of authenticity and tranquility, transporting you back to a simpler time.

Shaxi Ancient Town
Shaxi Ancient Town
Shaxi Ancient Town
Shaxi Ancient Town

What to See in Shaxi Ancient Town

Traditional Architecture: You'll find beautifully preserved courtyards, wooden houses, temples, and ancient shops. The main square, Sideng Street, is the heart of the town and is lined with old buildings that showcase the architectural charm of the region.

Yujin Bridge: Stroll across the Yujin Bridge, a magnificent stone bridge dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Witness the serene beauty of the surrounding countryside and soak up the tranquility of the environment.

Friday Market: Experience the heart of Shaxi's commerce at the lively Friday Market. Browse through an array of local handicrafts, fresh produce, and regional specialties. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and barter with friendly vendors.

You can find more Dali attractions that worth to visit in Things to Do in Dali.

No.15 Discover historical charm of Jianshui Old City

Jianshui Old Town is in Yunnan's Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, close to Yuanyang Rice Terraces. With its well-preserved architecture, rich cultural heritage, and unique blend of Han Chinese and ethnic minority influences, Jianshui offers a glimpse into a bygone era.

Chaoyang Tower, Jianshui Ancient City
Chaoyang Tower, Jianshui Ancient City
Jianshui Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Yunnan
Jianshui Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Yunnan

What to See in Jianshui Old City

  1. Chaoyang Gate: As the main entrance to Jianshui Old City, Chaoyang Gate was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and symbolized the city's historical significance. The architectural style is reminiscent of Beijing's Tiananmen Square and is hailed as the "Little Tiananmen", having been built twenty-eight years earlier than Tiananmen.
  2. Jianshui Confucius Temple: This Confucius temple is one of the largest and best-preserved Confucian temples in China. Built in 1285 during the Yuan Dynasty, it features traditional Chinese architectural elements and beautiful gardens.
  3. Zhu Family Garden: Known as the "Grand View Garden of South Yunnan," the Zhu Family Garden is an exquisite residential complex. Built by the Zhu family during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912), it consists of numerous courtyards, pavilions, gardens, and ancestral halls.

No.16 Experience Unique Marriage Culture at Lugu Lake (Lijiang)

Lugu Lake, located on the border of Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in Lijiang, is renowned for its fascinating and unique marriage culture of the Mosuo people. The Mosuo are known for their matrilineal society, where women hold significant social and economic power. The mysterious "walking marriage" or "axia," where couples do not live together but maintain their own separate households attracts a lot tourists. You can also enjoy the natural beauty of Lugu Lake, surrounded by mountains and forests, and participate in activities like boating, hiking, or cultural performances.

Lugu Lake, Yunnan
Lugu Lake, Yunnan
Boating and canoeing on the Lugu Lake
Boating and canoeing on the Lugu Lake

Things to Do in Lugu Lake

  1. Enjoy the Scenic Beauty: The crystal-clear lake, surrounded by lush mountains, provides a serene and picturesque atmosphere, especially during sunrise and sunset.
  2. Take a Boat Ride: You can rent a wooden boat or take a guided tour to cruise along the lake's calm waters, taking in the scenic landscape and enjoying the peaceful ambiance.
  3. Visit Lige Peninsula: Lige Peninsula is a scenic spot that extends into Lugu Lake. You can stroll along the peninsula's walking trails, visit the Lige Village, and appreciate the traditional Mosuo architecture.
  4. Visiting Mosuo Villages: Witness their distinctive architecture, observe their daily life, and learn about their customs and beliefs from local people.
  5. Experiencing the "Walking Marriage" Bridge: The "Walking Marriage Bridge" at Caohai Lake, a smaller lake near Lugu Lake, is a symbolic landmark. Traditionally, young couples would meet and express their affection here.

You can find more Lijiang attractions that worth to visit in Things to Do in Lijiang.

No.17 Witness the Golden Embrace: Sunrise over Meili Snow Mountain

Meili Snow Mountain, with its 13 peaks exceeding 6,000 meters (19,685 feet) in height, holds a special place in the hearts of the local Naxi and Tibetan people. Enveloped in myths and legends, the mountain is considered sacred, and its peak remains unclimbed to this day.

Standing proudly in the northwestern reaches of Yunnan Province, China, Meili Snow Mountain (also known as Kawagebo) offers a visual spectacle unlike any other – sunrise. Witnessing the first rays of dawn bathe its snow-capped peaks in a golden glow is an unforgettable experience.

Best Time to Visit: The dry season (October to April) offers the clearest skies for optimal viewing. However, keep in mind that unpredictable weather conditions can occur year-round.

Meili Snow Mountain is a sacred mountain of Tibetan Buddhism
Meili Snow Mountain is a sacred mountain of Tibetan Buddhism
Magnificent sunrise over Meili Snow Mountain
Magnificent sunrise over Meili Snow Mountain

Where to See Sunrise of Meili Snow Mountain

Feilai Temple: Nestled at the foot of the mountain, Feilai Temple is a popular choice for witnessing the sunrise. Many guesthouses in the area offer rooftop terraces with stunning views.

Yubeng Village: For a more adventurous experience, consider trekking to Yubeng Village, a traditional Naxi village nestled closer to the mountain. Here, you'll be rewarded with a panoramic view of the sunrise over Meili's majestic peaks.

You can find more Shangri-La attractions that worth to visit in Things to Do in Shangri-La.

No.18 Witness Golden Rapeseed Flowers Sea in Luoping from Jan to Mar

Luoping, a county at the junction of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi Provinces in China, is nicknamed the "East Door of Yunnan." While it boasts many natural wonders, the top reason to visit Luoping is to witness the dazzling sea of golden rapeseed flowers blooming across the land in spring, usually from late January to March.

Yunnan Spring Tour to Rapeseed Flowers
Yunnan Spring Tour to Rapeseed Flowers
Luositian, Luoping
Luositian, Luoping

Highlights of Rapeseed Flowers Sea in Luoping

  1. Endless Fields of Yellow: The rapeseed flowers cover the landscape, creating a stunning sea of yellow as far as the eye can see. The fields extend across rolling hills and valleys, forming a picturesque backdrop that is perfect for photography and scenic walks.
  2. Panoramic Views: Luoping offers several viewpoints that allow you to soak in the panoramic views of the rapeseed fields. The most popular viewpoints include Jinji Peak (金鸡峰) and Niujie Luosi Field (牛街螺丝田). From these elevated positions, you can witness the vastness of the flower fields and capture breathtaking photos.
  3. Visit Other Attractions: Luoping has more to offer beyond the rapeseed fields. You can explore other nearby attractions, such as the Jiulong Waterfall, Duoyi River, and the majestic karst formations of the Stone Forest.

You can find more Kunming attractions and surrounding that worth to visit in Things to Do in Kunming.

No.19 Sample Local Cuisine in Yunnan

Yunnan is a haven for culinary enthusiasts. Its diverse geography and rich ethnic tapestry have given rise to a vibrant and flavorful cuisine that has captivated taste buds worldwide. Fresh ingredients, wild mushrooms, fragrant herbs, and a touch of spice are hallmarks of Yunnan cooking. When you travel to Yunnan and stroll through various ancient towns, explore the mountains, rivers, and gorges, and immerse yourself in the ethnic minority cultures, don't forget to treat your taste buds as well.

Jianshui Steam Cooked Chicken
Jianshui Steam Cooked Chicken
Yunnan Rice Noodle
Yunnan Rice Noodle

Must-Try Delights in Yunnan

  1. Yunnan Rice Noodles (云南米线): Yunnan rice noodles are a staple of the region. They come in various forms, from dry noodles served with a meat or vegetable sauce to soupy bowls with a flavorful broth. The noodles are usually topped with ingredients like shredded chicken, pork, fried peanuts, pickled vegetables, and fresh herbs. The most famous dish is the Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles (Guoqiao Mi Xian).
  2. Fresh Flower Cake (鲜花饼):It is a traditional Yunnan pastry made with sticky rice flour and edible flowers, known for its blooming flower-like appearance and delicate floral aroma, representing the culinary heritage and connection with nature in the Bai ethnic culture.
  3. Yunnan Mushrooms: Yunnan is home to a wide variety of mushrooms due to its diverse terrain. You can sample dishes like stir-fried mushrooms, mushroom hot pot, or even enjoy them in soups and stews.
  4. Shangri-La Tibetan Cuisine: Shangri-La's cuisine includes dishes like Yak Hot Pot, Zanba (roasted highland barley flour), and Butter Tea.
  5. Naxi Cuisine in Lijiang: Naxi cuisine in the Lijiang region includes specialties like Preserved Spare Ribs hot pot and Naxi Baba (a traditional rice cake).
  6. Bai Cuisine in Dali: Bai cuisine includes Xizhou Baba (a savory pancake), Er Kuai (a type of rice cake), Xizhou Three-Course Tea (三道茶), and Grilled Fish with Sour Soup (酸汤鱼).
  7. Dai Cuisine in Xishuangbanna: Xishuangbanna's Dai cuisine includes dishes like Dai-style Hand-Grabbed Rice and Peacock Feast.

Check more informations about waht to eat in Yunnan Food.

No.20 Enjoy Ethnic Festivals in Yunnan

Yunnan is a cultural melting pot, home to 25 ethnic minorities, each with its own unique traditions and vibrant festivals. Yunnan's ethnic festival calendar bursts with color throughout the year. From fire-drenched ceremonies to lively dance performances, get ready to be captivated by the energy, colors, and spirit of these unforgettable events.

Water-Splashing Festival: Also Known as Songkran Festival
Water-Splashing Festival: Also Known as Songkran Festival
Baisha Village is famous for its Naxi embroidery
Baisha Village is famous for its Naxi embroidery


  • Sanduo Festival (Naxi): Held near Lijiang, this festival honors ancestors and features offerings, bullfights (symbolic, not harmful), and traditional dances.
  • Tiger Leaping Festival (Yi): Celebrated in Shilin Stone Forest, this festival features vibrant dances, wrestling matches, and a "bullfight" (performance, not a fight).


  • Torch Festival (Yi): The "Oriental Carnival," held across Yi areas in Yunnan, explodes with exhilarating torch dances, wrestling competitions, and vibrant celebrations to usher in spring.
  • Mosuo Zhuanhu Festival (Mosuo): Held around Lugu Lake, this unique festival celebrates the coming of age for Mosuo girls and showcases their rich cultural heritage.


  • Water Splashing Festival (Dai): Also known as the "Songkran Festival," this exuberant celebration in Xishuangbanna involves joyous water splashing to cleanse bad luck and welcome the New Year.


  • Shoton Festival (Tibetan): Held in Shangri-La, this festival features vibrant horse races, archery competitions, and displays of intricate yak butter sculptures.


  • Hani New Year (Hani): Celebrated in Yuanyang County, this festival coincides with the rice harvest and features vibrant dances, swinging competitions, and thanksgiving rituals.

Recommended Yunnan Itinerary with Top Attraction

Day 1: Arrive in Kunming, airport pick-up, check-in at the hotel, and free time to explore the city.

Day 2: Visit West Hill for the Dragon Gate and Taoist Grottoes, followed by a trip to the Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Day 3: Travel to Honghe and marvel at the breathtaking Yuanyang Rice Terraces, particularly the beautiful Bada Rice Terraces at sunset.

Day 4: Explore the Yuanyang Rice Terraces, including Duoyishu Rice Terrace, Aichun Blue Rice Terrace, Azheke Mushroom Houses, and Laohuzui Rice Terraces.

Day 5: Journey to Jianshui and visit the historical Jianshui Ancient Town, featuring attractions such as Chaoyang Tower, Confucius Temple, and Zhu Family Garden.

Day 6: Visit the Double Dragon Bridge and Tuanshan Village, known for its traditional architecture. Back to Kunming.

Day 7: Take a high-speed train from Kunming to Dali, where you'll see the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple, enjoy a bike ride around Erhai Lake, and have free time in Dali Ancient Town.

Day 8: Explore Dali's highlights, including Xizhou Village, and Zhoucheng Tie-dye workshop.  Head to Lijiang for Lijiang Old Town (a UNESCO World Heritage site), and Black Dragon Pond Park.

Day 9: Experience the wonders of Lijiang, including Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Blue Moon Valley, Baisha Murals, and Shuhe Ancient Town.

Day 10: Travel from Lijiang to Shangri-La, stopping at the First Bend of the Yangtze River and Tiger Leaping Gorge, and finally reaching Dukezong Ancient Town.

Day 11: Discover Shangri-La's cultural gems, including Songzanlin Monastery, Pudacuo National Park, and a visit to a Tibetan family.

Day 12: Check out from your hotel in Shangri-La and depart for your onward journey.

Lijiang Old Town Beautiful Alley
Lijiang Old Town Beautiful Alley
Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Yunnan

Embark on a breathtaking journey to Yunnan with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and discover the province's stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. As a trusted travel partner with over a decade of experience in the region, AOT offers a wide range of customizable Yunnan tour packages tailored to meet the diverse interests of every traveler. Whether you're seeking a family adventure, a romantic escape, or an in-depth exploration of Yunnan's ethnic diversity and natural wonders, AOT has the expertise to craft the perfect itinerary for you.

Popular Destinations:

  • Kunming: The "Spring City" known for its pleasant climate and vibrant flowers.
  • Lijiang: A UNESCO World Heritage Site with a well-preserved ancient town.
  • Dali: Famous for its beautiful Erhai Lake and the ancient Bai culture.
  • Shangri-La: A gateway to Tibetan culture and stunning highland scenery.
  • Yuanyang Rice Terraces: Renowned for its spectacular rice terraces.
  • Xishuangbanna: Experience the tropical climate, rich biodiversity, and the unique Dai culture, including attractions like the Wild Elephant Valley and tropical rainforests.
  • Tiger Leaping Gorge: One of the deepest gorges in the world, offering breathtaking views and thrilling hiking trails along the Jinsha River.
  • Jianshui: A historic town known for its ancient architecture, including the well-preserved Jianshui Confucian Temple and the beautiful Zhu Family Garden.

Tour Packages:

Start planning your dream vacation today with Asia Odyssey Travel and experience the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Yunnan. Contact us to begin your journey.

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