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Dali Ancient City | Dali Old Town in Yunnan (Ultimate Guide)

Written by Celine Schneider|Updated: 2024-06-27

Dali Ancient City (Dali Ancient Town), known as “大理古城” in Chinese, is one of the most famous ancient cities in China and a must-visit destination for every traveler in Yunnan Tours. With over 1000 years of history, it was once the capital of the Nanzhao Kingdom. The city exudes a charming atmosphere of the Bai ethnic minority, with fascinating historical sites scattered throughout and a leisurely and comfortable pace of life. It's no wonder that many visitors return or even choose to stay here for a short while.

So, how should you explore this enchanting destination? Keep reading this comprehensive Dali Ancient City guide, which includes facts, popular attractions, the best time to visit, travel routes, and travel tips to plan the perfect trip to Dali Ancient City.

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  • triangleDali Ancient City Facts & Map
  • triangleTop Attractions & What to Do in Dali Old Town
  • triangleDali Ancient Town Festivals
  • triangleHow to Explore Dali Old Town (Visiting Route)
  • triangleExploring Dali Ancient Town's Stunning Surrounding Attractions
  • triangleBest Time to Visit Dali Old Town
  • triangleHow to Get to Dali Ancient City
  • triangleWhere to Stay near Dali Ancient Town
  • triangleHow to Plan a Dali Ancient Town Tour?
  • triangleTravel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Dali, Yunnan

Dali Ancient City Facts & Map

Dali Ancient Town: A Walk Back in Time
Dali Ancient Town: A Walk Back in Time
Rooftop View of Dali Old Town, Yunnan
Rooftop View of Dali Old Town, Yunnan

Chinese Name: 大理古城

Address: Cangping Street, Fuxing Road, Dali

Best Time to Visit: Year-round, especially from March to November

Opening Hours: All day

Admission Fee: Free

Recommended Duration: Half a day

Highlights: South Gate, Wu Hua Lou, Renmin Road, Foreigner Street

As the ancient capital of the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms, Dali Ancient City boasts a history of over 1,000 years and serves as the political, economic, and cultural center of ancient Yunnan Tours. The city is adorned with numerous cultural relics and historical sites, such as the Wu Hua Lou and Dali Municipal Museum, allowing visitors to get up close with history and experience the profound Bai ethnic culture.

Additionally, the streets are lined with shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars, making it easy to spend an entire day here, indulging in the leisurely essence of Dali.

Top Attractions & What to Do in Dali Old Town

Dali Ancient City offers a multitude of exciting experiences and attractions. From its majestic city gates to the iconic Wu Hua Lou and enchanting stone-paved streets, the authentic local cuisine and vibrant nightlife, the experience in Dali Ancient City is truly diverse and enriching.

Traveling the famous Building of Dali Ancient Town

Historic Charm of Dali Ancient Town, Yunnan
Historic Charm of Dali Ancient Town, Yunnan
The Gateway of Dali Ancient Town, Yunnan
The Gateway of Dali Ancient Town, Yunnan

Dali Ancient City Gates and City Walls

Well-preserved Ming Dynasty city walls surround the ancient city of Dali and have 4 main city gates: East Gate (Erhai Gate), South Gate (Cheng'en Gate), West Gate (Cangshan Gate), and North Gate (Anyuan Gate). Among them, the South Gate and West Gate are the most popular among tourists.

South Gate (Cheng'en Gate): The South Gate is the main entrance and a symbolic landmark of the ancient city of Dali. It is grand and majestic, with a plaque hanging on the city tower inscribed with the Chinese characters for "Dali."

East Gate (Erhai Gate): The East Gate faces Erhai Lake, hence it is also known as Erhai Gate or Tonghai Gate. It is a gateway to welcome the sunrise and offers beautiful scenery. Especially during dawn and dusk, it attracts many tourists and photography enthusiasts.

West Gate (Cangshan Gate): Faces Cangshan Mountain, known as Cangshan Gate, starting point for hiking.

North Gate (Santa Gate): Known as Anyuan Gate or Santai Gate, oriented towards the Three Pagodas, offers a peaceful experience.

Literature Pavilion

The Literature Pavilion of the ancient city of Dali is located about 1 kilometer outside the South Gate and is known as the "First Gate of the Ancient City." It is built in the classic architectural style of the Bai ethnic group. Inside the pavilion, there are exhibitions about the historical and cultural heritage of Dali. There are also study and tea rooms where you can read and enjoy tea, allowing you to experience tranquility and elegance.

Explore Vibrant Dali Ancient City Streets

Foreigner Street in Dali Ancient Town
Foreigner Street in Dali Ancient Town
Wuhua Tower in Dali Ancient Town
Wuhua Tower in Dali Ancient Town

Strolling along the streets of Dali Ancient Town is the best way to experience the essence of this captivating destination truly. The ancient town retains its charming, checkerboard layout from the Ming and Qing dynasties, with a network of crisscrossing streets and alleys known as the "Nine Streets and Eighteen Lanes". Among the most popular thoroughfares for visitors are Renmin Road, Fuxing Road, and Foreigner's Street.

Renmin Road (人民路)

Renmin Road is a bustling paradise for shoppers and foodies, lined with shops selling traditional wares and local delicacies, while also providing a stage for independent musicians.

Fuxing Road (复兴路)

Fuxing Road is home to the iconic Wuhua Building, one of the town's most famous landmarks.

Foreigner's Street (洋人街)

Foreigner's Street (Hugou Building) is famous for its former role as the center for foreign tourists in Dali Ancient Town. Today, it is a great place to experience the local slow life. Find a cafe and spend a leisurely afternoon.

Yu'er Road (玉洱路)

If you are a photography enthusiast, the scenery along Yu'er Road is beautiful, especially the part adjacent to Erhai Lake, which is an ideal place to take photos of the ancient town and natural scenery. The combination of sunlight and mountain scenery in the early morning or evening is particularly suitable for photographic creation.

Boai Road (博爱路)

For a more immersive experience, venture into the quieter alleys, such as Wenxian Road and Boai Road, where you can connect with the locals and discover the town's rich history.

Enjoy a panoramic view of Dali Ancient City from Wuhualou

You wouldn't want to miss the heart of Dali Ancient City at any time. The Wu Hua Lou, situated in the center of Dali Ancient City, is one of the iconic landmarks and offers a panoramic view of the ancient city. It served as a reception venue for distinguished guests in both the Nanzhao and Dali periods. The current Wu Hua Lou has been reconstructed on the original site, preserving its magnificent aura.

Experience the enchanting nights of Dali Ancient City

Exploring the captivating Dali Ancient City is incomplete without immersing in its enchanting nights. As dusk descends, the ancient city's structures are bathed in a warm, golden glow, transforming landmarks like the Wuhua Building and the Document Tower into mesmerizing spectacles that exude an air of mystery and grandeur.

Along the bustling streets of Renmin Road and Foreigner's Street, unique bars and cozy cafes come alive with live music and impromptu performances, creating an atmosphere brimming with artistic energy and providing the perfect haven for seeking inspiration and unwinding. Strolling through the streets, you'll often encounter impromptu performances by street artists, adding an extra touch of romance and delight to the enchanting nights of Dali.

Sample the culinary delights of Dali

How can a night tour of Dali Ancient City be complete without the delicious food? Local specialties such as Xianhua Bing (flower-shaped pastries), Kao Rushan (grilled cheese wheels), and Erkuai (rice cakes) fill the night markets with delightful aromas, satisfying not only your visual senses but also your taste buds.

At the North Gate Farmers' Market, you can discover authentic local snacks. The Erhai Gate area is a popular food hub within Dali Ancient City, particularly renowned for Yunnan-style braised dishes, Tuji Mixian (rice noodles with stewed chicken), and other local delicacies, making it an ideal choice for dinner or a late-night snack. 

Related Article:Yunnan Food: 15 Delicious Yunnan Cuisines You’ll Love

Dali Ancient Town Festivals

One of the best things about exploring Dali Ancient City is joining the March Street Festival. It's the oldest and liveliest trade market in western Yunnan and a major celebration for the Bai ethnic group. The festival usually runs for about 7 to 10 days, from the 10th to the 21st day of the lunar month.

During the festival, the whole city lights up with colorful decorations. Every house is adorned with flowers, and temporary stalls pop up on the streets, selling all kinds of goodies, from handmade crafts and traditional clothing to delicious local treats. You can also enjoy cultural performances, sports competitions, singing contests, and religious ceremonies throughout the festival. It's a truly vibrant and festive experience!

How to Explore Dali Old Town (Visiting Route)

Strolling Through Dali Ancient Town
Strolling Through Dali Ancient Town
Traditional Bai Architecture in Dali Ancient Town
Traditional Bai Architecture in Dali Ancient Town

For Classic Enthusiasts

Start your journey by entering through the South Gate and exiting through the West Gate. Begin with a walk along Renmin Road, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere. Head to Foreigner Street (Huguo Road) to explore its unique shops and cafes. Make your way to Fuxing Road, where you'll find the magnificent Wu Hua Lou, a must-visit landmark.

For Culture Enthusiasts

Begin at Wu Hua Lou, immersing yourself in the cultural heritage of Dali Ancient City. Explore the Buddhist temples, such as the Manjushri Temple, Guandi Temple, and the Catholic Church. Indulge in the local cuisine at the specialty restaurants scattered throughout the ancient city. Don't miss a visit to the Dali Municipal Museum to delve deeper into the region's rich history and art.

For Family with Kids

Enter through the South Gate and start your family adventure. Visit the Duwenxiu Mansion, an impressive historical site. Enjoy a delightful lunch at one of the restaurants on Foreigner Street. Head to the Bedsheet Art Factory, where you can witness the creation of unique artworks. Continue to Yuer Park, a wonderful place for the kids to play and relax. Wrap up your day with joyful memories of exploring Dali Ancient City.

Note: The provided route outlines different preferences and interests for visitors to Dali Old Town. Feel free to mix and match based on your own preferences and time availability. Enjoy your exploration of Dali Ancient City!

Exploring Dali Ancient Town's Stunning Surrounding Attractions

Beyond the enchanting streets and historical charm of Dali Ancient Town, the region is home to a wealth of natural and cultural wonders that are well worth exploring, all within easy reach of the ancient city.


Panoramic Views of Dali and Erhai Lake from Cangshan Mountain
Panoramic Views of Dali and Erhai Lake from Cangshan Mountain
Hiking the Trails of Cangshan Mountain, Dali
Hiking the Trails of Cangshan Mountain, Dali

The majestic Cangshan Mountain range towers over Dali, located just 7 kilometers west of the ancient city, providing a stunning backdrop. Adventure-seeking travelers can embark on a hiking trail that winds through lush forests, starting from the West Gate of Dali Ancient City (Cangshan Gate). This trail leads to scenic viewpoints on Cangshan Mountain, offering panoramic views of the ancient city and the shimmering Erhai Lake below.

Erhai Lake

Erhai Lake Cycling Trail
Erhai Lake Cycling Trail
Cruises on Erhai Lake
Cruises on Erhai Lake

When it comes to Erhai Lake, this vast freshwater body is a true gem adorning the crown of Dali. Located just 3 kilometers east of Dali Ancient City, this sapphire nestled at the foot of Cangshan Mountain is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, and abundant natural ecology.

With a circumference of about 130 kilometers, the lakeside route offers picturesque scenery, dotted with Bai ethnic villages where traditional architecture coexists harmoniously with the natural landscape. To explore Erhai Lake, you can choose to cycle, drive, or take a boat tour, allowing you to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of the lake and mountains up close.

The Three Pagodas of Dali

Reflections of the Three Pagodas
Reflections of the Three Pagodas
Panoramic views from the Chongsheng Temple
Panoramic views from the Chongsheng Temple

No visit to Dali would be complete without admiring the iconic Three Pagodas, a stunning Buddhist temple complex dating back to the 9th century, situated about 2 km southwest of the ancient town. The three distinctive white pagodas stand as a testament to the region's rich religious history and architectural prowess, captivating visitors with their elegant silhouettes and intricate details.

Related Article:Dali Attractions: Top 10 Things to Do & Places to Visit in Dali

Best Time to Visit Dali Old Town

Spring Blossoms by Erhai Lake
Spring Blossoms by Erhai Lake
Erhai Lake, Dali
Erhai Lake, Dali

Dali Ancient City enjoys a mild climate and offers a rich variety of cultural activities, making it suitable for visiting throughout the year. However, the period from March to November is particularly favorable for tourists, especially during the spring season when more events take place.

Spring (March to May): Spring is the best time to visit Dali. The weather is mild, and flowers bloom everywhere, enhancing the beauty of the ancient city and its surroundings. During this time, the March Street Festival also takes place, attracting a large number of tourists and locals to gather in Dali Ancient City.

Summer (June to August): The summer of Dali is generally not too hot, making it a good time to escape the heat and enjoy the pleasant weather.

Autumn (September to November): Autumn brings pleasant temperatures and clear skies to Dali, making it an ideal time to explore the ancient city and its surrounding areas.

Winter (December to February): Although Dali experiences lower temperatures in winter, the ancient city remains a charming destination. Visitors can participate in the annual Dali International Photography Festival held in December or simply explore the town's historical architecture and indoor attractions.

Related Article:Best Time to Visit Dali: Dali Weather, Climate & Travel Tips

How to Get to Dali Ancient City

By Air: The nearest airport is Dali Airport, located approximately 25 km from the ancient city. This modern airport offers direct flights from major Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, making it a convenient option for travelers.

By Train: High-speed trains connect Dali to other major cities in Yunnan Tours, such as Kunming, as well as destinations further afield, including Guilin, Chengdu and Chongqing.

By Bus: Dali is served by an extensive bus network, with long-distance bus stations located both within the ancient city and on the outskirts. The bus stations are well-connected to the ancient town, making it a convenient option for those traveling by road.

How to Get to Dali Old Town from Kunming

The most efficient way to reach Dali Old Town from Kunming is by high-speed train. The journey takes about 2.5 to 3 hours. For travelers who prefer a more scenic overland journey, taking a long-distance bus from Kunming to Dali is another viable option. The bus ride typically takes around 3.5 to 4 hours.

Related Article:Kunming to Dali Train (Bullet Train): Schedules, Tickets & Price

Dali Ancient Town Private Transfer

To ensure a hassle-free and comfortable trip, feel free to reach out to us, your Yunnan travel specialists. We'll tailor the best Yunnan Tours travel packages for you and arrange private transportation from nearby airports, train stations, or even other destinations within Yunnan Tours. With our services, you can explore the region at your own leisurely pace.

Where to Stay near Dali Ancient Town

When touring Dali Ancient City, consider staying near the ancient city itself as there is a wide range of accommodations available, from luxurious five-star hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses. The area near Foreigner Street often offers hotels with good quality. If you prefer a more unique lodging experience, consider the Xishe Hotel located at No. 9 Renmin Road, close to the West Gate. It offers a quiet and romantic environment.

The areas near the North Gate and East Gate are generally quieter, especially the East Gate, which is closest to Erhai Lake, making it suitable for travelers seeking tranquility.

The South Gate area offers convenient transportation and proximity to the tourist shuttle bus station but may be a bit noisy. It is ideal for visitors planning to frequently enter and exit the ancient city.

The West Gate area is close to Cangshan Mountain and March Fair Festival, making it suitable for those who enjoy hiking or are interested in exploring the local market.

How to Plan a Dali Ancient Town Tour?

Exploring Dali Ancient Town is best enjoyed when combined with other nearby attractions, providing a well-rounded experience. Here’s a comprehensive three-day itinerary to help you make the most of your visit:

Fresh Finds at Xizhou Morning Market
Fresh Finds at Xizhou Morning Market
Charming Streets of Xizhou Village, Dali
Charming Streets of Xizhou Village, Dali

Day 1: Arrival and Exploration of Dali Ancient Town

Begin your adventure by wandering through the charming streets of Dali Ancient Town. Admire the traditional Bai architecture, visit local shops, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. Key spots to explore include the Foreigner Street, known for its eclectic mix of cafes, artisan shops, and local eateries. This leisurely exploration will help you get acquainted with the town's unique cultural and historical ambiance.

Day 2: Discover Dali's Highlights

Start your day by visiting the iconic Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple. Allocate around two hours to explore these ancient structures and the surrounding temple complex. The pagodas are not only architectural marvels but also offer a peaceful retreat. After your visit, head back to Dali Ancient Town for more exploration. Rent a bike and take a scenic ride around Erhai Lake, enjoying the stunning views and serene environment. Conclude your day with a flower cake-making workshop, where you can learn about this local culinary tradition and make your own delicious treats.

Day 3: Immerse Yourself in Bai Culture

Delve deeper into the local culture by visiting Xizhou Village, known for its well-preserved Bai houses and rich cultural heritage. Explore the village, witnessing traditional Bai architecture and learning about the customs and history of the Bai people. Then, make your way to Zhoucheng, a village renowned for its traditional tie-dye techniques. Participate in a tie-dye workshop, creating your own unique fabric piece to take home as a keepsake. This day will provide a deeper understanding of the local Bai culture and crafts.

Linking Dali Ancient Town with Other Yunnan Destinations

To fully experience the diverse attractions of Yunnan, consider extending your trip to include other popular destinations such as Kunming, Lijiang, and Shangri-La. A trip lasting 6-8 days covers the highlights, while a 10-12 day itinerary allows for a more in-depth exploration, including visits to the Yuanyang Rice Terraces and Xishuangbanna.

Kunming (1-2 days)

Kunming Stone Forest
Kunming Stone Forest
Stone Forest, a must-visit place around Kunming
Stone Forest, a must-visit place around Kunming

Begin your journey in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Tours. Explore the Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site featuring towering limestone formations. Enjoy the scenic beauty around Dianchi Lake and take a stroll through Green Lake Park, which is vibrant with local activities. The Flower and Bird Market offers a fascinating look at local flora and fauna.

Lijiang (2-3 days)

Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Blue Moon Valley, Lijiang
Blue Moon Valley, Lijiang

Continue to Lijiang, famous for its well-preserved ancient town. Wander the cobblestone streets of Lijiang Old Town, another UNESCO World Heritage site, and visit the picturesque Black Dragon Pool. Consider a trip to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain for breathtaking views and an opportunity to experience the local Naxi culture.

Shangri-La (2-3 days)

Songzanlin Monastery, Shangri-La
Songzanlin Monastery, Shangri-La
Explore Guishan Hill of Dukezong Ancient Town
Explore Guishan Hill of Dukezong Ancient Town

In Shangri-La, explore the majestic Songzanlin Monastery, often called the "Little Potala Palace." Discover the natural beauty of Pudacuo National Park, with its pristine lakes, meadows, and forests. The old town of Dukezong offers a glimpse into Tibetan culture and history, while Napa Lake provides a tranquil natural retreat.

Optional Destinations:

Yuanyang Rice Terraces (1-2 days): Visit the Yuanyang Rice Terraces for spectacular views and an insight into the traditional agricultural practices of the Hani people. The terraces are particularly stunning and provide excellent photo opportunities.

Xishuangbanna (2-3 days): Journey to Xishuangbanna to experience its tropical climate and rich biodiversity. Explore the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, visit Dai minority villages, and enjoy vibrant cultural performances and markets.

Related Article:How to Plan a Trip to Dali, Yunnan

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Dali, Yunnan

Travel to Dali with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and immerse yourself in the captivating beauty and rich culture of Yunnan. As a trusted travel partner with over a decade of experience in the region, AOT offers a wide range of customizable Dali tour packages to cater to the preferences of every traveler. Whether you're seeking a family adventure, a romantic getaway, or a deep dive into the history of Dali and Bai minority culture, AOT has the expertise to create the perfect itinerary for you.

Popular Attractions: Ancient Dali Town, Three Pagodas, Erhai Lake, Xizhou Village

Tour Packages: Dali Tour, Kunming Dali Tours

Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Asia Odyssey Travel and explore the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Dali. Contact us today to start planning your dream vacation.

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