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Lijiang Old Town (Attractions, Maps, Itineraries)

Written by Senior Expert Felicia|Updated: 2024-06-30

Lijiang Old Town, also known as Dayan Old Town, Lijiang Ancient Town, is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Yunnan, which holds deep historical significance as a key stop along the ancient Tea Horse Road, a trading route connecting Central China with Tibet. For centuries, the town has been a melting pot of cultures, with influences from the Naxi people, Tibetan traders, and various ethnic groups interweaving to create a unique tapestry of traditions and customs. 

This Lijiang Old Town guide serves as your gateway to uncovering the magic of Lijiang Old Town. We'll explore its historical significance, delve into the Naxi culture, unveil the town's architectural marvels, and highlight the unique streets and Lanes. We'll also guide you through the best experiences Lijiang has to offer, from indulging in its delectable cuisine to venturing into the surrounding natural wonders. we'll arrange a classic itinerary of this vibrant ancient town and nearby attractions. So, pack your curiosity and sense of adventure, and let's embark on a journey through the enchanting Lijiang Old Town, the china's most beautiful old city.

Content Preview

  • triangleLijiang Old Town Facts
  • triangleLijiang Old Town Maps
  • triangleWhy Old Town of Lijiang is a Must-Visit in Yunnan?
  • triangle6 Best Things to Do in Lijiang Ancient Town
  • triangleSuggesting Visiting Routes to Avoid Missing in Lijiang Old Town
  • triangleHow to Get to and around Lijiang Old Town
  • triangleBest Time to Explore Old Town of Lijiang
  • triangleAttractions nearby Lijiang Ancient Town
  • triangleHow to Plan a Trip to Lijiang Old Town (With nearby Attractions)
  • triangleWhere to Stay & What to Eat in Lijiang Old Town
  • triangleTips When Visiting Old Town of Lijiang
  • triangleTravel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Lijiang, Yunnan

Lijiang Old Town Facts

Lijiang Ancient Town under Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Lijiang Ancient Town under Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View

Located in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, Lijiang Old Town is a historically and culturally significant site.

  • Chinese Name: 丽江古城
  • History: over 800 years
  • Area: 7.3 square kilometers (2.8 square miles)
  • Altitude: 2,400 meters
  • Opening Time: All Day
  • Travel Duration: 0.5-2 Days

Lijiang Old Town Layout

Lijiang Old Town is a car-free zone, creating a peaceful and pedestrian-friendly environment. Visitors can freely explore the town's narrow lanes, immersing themselves in the vibrant atmosphere and discovering hidden gems along the way.

Central Hub:

  • Sifang Street: This bustling street forms the heart of the Old Town, serving as the main entertainment hub. Explore its shops, restaurants, and vibrant atmosphere.

Exploring from the Large Water Wheel:

  • North Gate: Start your exploration from the iconic Large Water Wheel.
  • Head West: Venture towards Lion Mountain and the historic Mu Palace, offering a glimpse into the town's past.
  • Head East: Discover Dayan Flower Alley, a charming street lined with shops and the main food area, perfect for indulging in local delicacies.
  • Head South: Immerse yourself in the lively bar street and the central area dominated by Sifang Street.

Beyond the Central Area:

  • Tranquil South: Explore the quieter southern part of the Old Town, where local markets and guesthouses provide a more relaxed atmosphere.

Lijiang Old Town Maps

Lijiang Old Town Map
Lijiang Old Town Map

Why Old Town of Lijiang is a Must-Visit in Yunnan?

1. Rich Historical Tapestry - 800 Years

Lijiang Ancient Town was established in the late 13th century by the ruling Mu family. Drawing inspiration from the architectural style of the Ming imperial palace (now the Forbidden City), they built the Mu Palace as the seat of power. Unlike many ancient towns, Lijiang was not enclosed by city walls, which facilitated trade and turned it into a bustling center along the Tea Horse Road. As the town flourished, it attracted various ethnic minorities who settled in the area.

Over the centuries, the Naxi people constructed thousands of houses around the Mu Palace, forming the present-day scale of the town. Today, after more than 800 years, Lijiang Ancient Town still retains the architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties, exuding a captivating charm that stems from its rich history.

2. Dongba Culture and Naxi Heritage

Lijiang Old Town, where the Naxi people have lived for generations, is a gateway to the captivating Naxi and Dongba culture. Naxi people venerate nature and place emphasis on divination and ritual ceremonies. They created pictographic symbols to record their daily life. These symbols depict deities, natural phenomena, and everyday objects. Over time, these symbols evolved into the Dongba script, which has played a crucial role in preserving the Naxi people's distinct language, clothing, music, dance, and other cherished traditional customs and culture.

When visiting Lijiang Ancient Town, you'll encounter the Dongba script in various locations. This connection between the intriguing symbols and the Chinese language can provide you with a deeper understanding of the distinctive Naxi culture found in Lijiang.

Stroll on Lijiang Old Town for Fun
Stroll on Lijiang Old Town for Fun
Lijiang Old Town
Lijiang Old Town

3. Natural Splendor and Ancient Buildings

Houses in Lijiang Old Town are built according to the natural contours of the mountains and the flow of water. Wherever the water flows, houses are built accordingly. One of the prominent features of the ancient town is its intricate water system, with clear streams and canals meandering through the town. The banks are adorned with flowers and plants, while small bridges over flowing water can be seen everywhere, adding a touch of the charm of a water town in southern China.

Wherever there are hills, there are steps. Within the narrow streets and lanes, weathered stone slabs lead to unknown alleyways. Walking through the streets and lanes of Lijiang Old Town, you can witness the unique architecture, which features ancient wooden structures, exquisite carved doors and windows, and roofs covered with green tiles. Willows sway along the sides of the streets, creating a nostalgic ambiance as if you are traveling through time.

6 Best Things to Do in Lijiang Ancient Town

When exploring Lijiang Old Town, there are several remarkable activities and attractions that should be on your itinerary. Here are some of the best things to do in Lijiang Old Town:

Step Deep into the Labyrinthine Streets

The streets and alleys of Lijiang Ancient Town are narrow and winding, forming a maze-like network. They are predominantly paved with cobblestones, which adds to the town's charm and historical ambiance. Walking along these meandering paths, you'll encounter surprises at every turn. Some of the streets are decorated with different Chinese-style decorations, such as Lanterns, Oil-paper umbrellas, and wind chimes. Here are some popular streets in the Lijiang Old Town:

  • Sifang Street (四方街): Central square, food street, commercial street.
  • Xinhua Street (新华街): Lively bar street with loud music, disco.
  • Wuyi Street (五一街): Quiet bar street with folk singing, small pubs.
  • Fengling Street (风铃街): Wind chimes hanging from eaves, suitable for daytime visits.
  • Zhenxing Lane (振兴巷): Lanterns hanging on buildings, ideal for daytime visits.
  • Dayan Flower Lane (大研花巷): Coffee and dining street adorned with flowers, perfect for afternoon tea.
  • Xianwen Lane (现文巷): Oiled-paper umbrella street, artistic and romantic.
  • Yichi Lane (忆持巷) : Street for ethnic minority performances, vibrant.
  • Dashiqiao (大石桥): Famous bridge with water channels, flowers, romantic.
Lijiang Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site
Lijiang Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town

Explore Former Glory of Mu Family in Mu Palace

The Mu Palace, situated at the base of Lion Hill 狮子山 on the western side of Lijiang Ancient Town, was the residence of the Mu family, who ruled over Lijiang for more than four centuries. Modeled after Beijing's Forbidden City, the palace complex follows a central axis, which spans 369 meters from west to east, with the Zhongyi Gate (忠义门) marking its eastern entrance. The words "Zhong Yi" (loyalty and righteousness) were bestowed upon the gate by the Ming emperor to honor the Mu family's loyalty and bravery.

Along the central axis, a series of courtyards, halls, and chambers are distributed on both sides. Among them, the Yisiting Hall (议事厅) and the Wanjuan Building (万卷楼) are the most renowned. The Yisiting Hall, once a place for important clan discussions, now serves as the Lijiang Ancient Town Museum. The Wanjuan Building rebuilt in 1999, functions as the palace's library and is considered the most exquisite structure within the Mu Palace.

Mu's Mansion (Mufu Palace)
Mu's Mansion (Mufu Palace)
Mu Palace, Lijiang
Mu Palace, Lijiang

Tracing the Traces of Naxi Culture

The Naxi culture is rich and diverse, and its influence can be felt in various forms throughout every corner of the ancient town.

  1. Traditional Architecture: Look for details like wooden structures with upturned eaves, intricate carvings, and colorful paintings that reflect the unique Naxi architectural style.
  2. Dongba Culture: Lijiang Museum, also known as the Dongba Culture Museum, is situated within Black Dragon Pool Park. It serves as a gateway for visitors to delve into the rich tapestry of Dongba culture. The museum showcases an array of Naxi traditional attire, musical instruments, tools, and other artifacts that provide a glimpse into the daily lives and customs of the Naxi people. You can find Dongba scriptures, books, and artworks in various shops and cultural centers.
  3. Naxi Music: While strolling through the old town, you may come across local musicians playing traditional melodies. Try to stop and enjoy this wonderful music.
  4. Naxi Clothing: In the old town, you can find shops selling traditional Naxi clothing. They are usually characterized by vibrant colors, intricate embroidery, and unique patterns.
  5. Festivals and Celebrations: Joining in Notable festivals and celebrations such as the Naxi New Year, the Torch Festival, and the Sanduo Festival, you can witness traditional rituals, music performances, and cultural activities.

Find Tranquility at Black Dragon Pool

Nestled at the foot of Elephant Hill 象山, just north of Lijiang Old Town, Black Dragon Pool Park is an overlooked attraction. It's a hidden gem with distinct highlights.

Wufeng Pavilion (Five Phoenix Pavilion 五凤楼) is a quintessential example of a Chinese pavilion, serving as an iconic landmark within the park. Visitors often utilize it as a foreground for capturing the grandeur of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, creating a harmonious blend of traditional Chinese garden architecture and the majestic peaks.

Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang

Immerse in Nightlife Magic of Lijiang Old Town

Lijiang Old Town transforms into a magical and vibrant place at night, especially in Xinhua Street, offering a unique atmosphere that is quite different from the daytime experience.  The streets are illuminated by traditional paper lanterns and colorful neon signs, casting a warm glow upon the cobbled streets and traditional Naxi architecture. Night markets and street food stalls come alive, offering a variety of local delicacies and snacks to indulge in.

The town also boasts a lively bar and pub scene, providing a range of establishments for relaxation, socializing, and enjoyment. You can choose from bars featuring live music, rooftop bars offering panoramic views of the town, and cozy pubs where you can unwind after a day of exploration. Whether mingling with locals or fellow travelers, the nightlife in Lijiang Old Town offers a unique and memorable experience.

Lijiang Old Town night view
Lijiang Old Town night view
Vibrant local culture of Lijiang Old Town
Vibrant local culture of Lijiang Old Town

Conquer Lion Hill to Get the Panoramic View (optional)

Lion Hill is situated to the northwest of Lijiang Old Town and offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area. At the top of Lion Hill stands Wangu Tower 万古塔, a traditional Chinese-style tower with multiple stories. Climbing the tower allows you to appreciate its architectural beauty and enjoy sweeping views of the landscape, including the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Lijiang Old Town (although some views may be partially obstructed by trees).

Additionally, there is an observation deck halfway up the mountain, providing a panoramic view of the entire Lijiang Ancient Town. This vantage point allows you to take in the full beauty of the town and its surroundings. For a unique experience, consider climbing the mountain at night (during summer) to witness the ancient town illuminated by bright lights. It's important to note that Lion Hill opens from 7 am to 11 pm and additional ticket is needed.

Suggesting Visiting Routes to Avoid Missing in Lijiang Old Town

A typical itinerary for visiting Lijiang Old Town usually takes half a day to a full day, with the afternoon being the recommended time to start.

Classic Routes: South Gate - Mu Palace - Large Water Wheel 大水车- Dayan Flower Lane - Wuyi Street - Sifang Street - Xinhua Street

To explore Lijiang Old Town, begin your journey from the south gate, where many accommodations are located. Start by visiting Mufu, a historical site in the west, spending about an hour there. If time allows, climb Lion Mountain for a breathtaking view of the town. Descend and enjoy an afternoon tea in a unique shop. Proceed to the north gate to see the famous Large Water Wheel, then explore the northeast section with attractions like Dayanhua Lane, Wuyi Street, and Zhenxing Lane, known for street food and dinner options. End the day by immersing yourself in the lively nightlife of Sifang Street and Xinhua Street, and don't miss nearby attractions like Dashiqiao, Xiaoshiqiao, and Xianwen Alley. Return to your hotel near the south gate via Sifang Street, having experienced the highlights and vibrant atmosphere of Lijiang Old Town.

Large Water Wheel in Lijiang Old Town
Large Water Wheel in Lijiang Old Town
Sifang Street, the center of Lijiang Old Town
Sifang Street, the center of Lijiang Old Town

Cultural and Nature Routes: South Gate - Mu Palace - Wangu Tower (Lion Mountain) - Shifang Street - Large Water Wheel - Black Dragon Pool Park - Wufeng Pavilion - Lijiang Museum

Begin at the South Gate and visit the Mu Palace to learn about the rich culture and heritage of the region. Head to Wangu Tower (Lion Mountain) for panoramic views of the Old Town and its surroundings. Walk along Shifang Street, known for its traditional charm, and then make your way to the Large Water Wheel. Continue to the tranquil Black Dragon Pool Park, where you can enjoy the serene atmosphere and beautiful scenery. End your route at Wufeng Pavilion and Lijiang Museum to delve deeper into the local history and culture.

Night and Food Routes: Large Water Wheel - Dayan Flower Lane - Wuyi Street - Sifang Street - Xinhua Street - South Gate

Start at the Large Water Wheel and soak up the nighttime atmosphere as the Old Town comes alive. Explore the enchanting Dayan Flower Lane and indulge in local delicacies at the bustling Wuyi Street, Sifang Street, and Xinhua Street. Finally, make your way back to the South Gate, enjoying the vibrant nightlife and savoring the delicious food options along the way.

While it may not be possible to visit all the streets and lanes in Lijiang Old Town within a limited timeframe, this itinerary allows you to capture the essence of the ancient city, explore its highlights, and experience its unique daytime and nighttime charms.

Water canal in Lijiang Old Town
Water canal in Lijiang Old Town
Lijiang Ancient Town under Lion Hill
Lijiang Ancient Town under Lion Hill

How to Get to and around Lijiang Old Town

To reach Lijiang Old Town, you can consider the following transportation options:

  1. By Air: The nearest airport to Lijiang is Lijiang Sanyi International Airport, located 28 kilometers away from Lijiang Old Town. You can fly into this airport from major cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Guangzhou, as well as some international destinations, such as Bangkok (Thailand). From the airport, you can take a taxi or arrange for a shuttle service to Lijiang Old Town.
  2. By Train: Lijiang Railway Station is located about 10 kilometers away from Lijiang Old Town. You can take a high-speed train to Lijiang from various cities in China, including Kunming, Dali, and Shangri-La. From the railway station, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach the Old Town.
  3. By Bus: Lijiang is well-connected by bus services from nearby cities and towns. You can take a long-distance bus to Lijiang Bus Station and then transfer to a local bus or taxi to reach Lijiang Old Town.

Once you are in Lijiang, getting around the Old Town can be done by foot as it is a pedestrian-friendly area. The narrow streets and alleys are best explored on foot, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the charm of the ancient town.

Best Time to Explore Old Town of Lijiang

Best Time of Year - All Year round if You Want

Spring (March to May): A Symphony of Flowers and Comfort

Embrace the gentle embrace of spring as Lijiang Old Town bursts into a vibrant tapestry of blooming flowers.

Avoid visiting during the Labor Day holiday (usually from May 1st to 5th),

Autumn (September to November): Golden Hues and Tranquility

As autumn paints the surrounding mountains with hues of gold and crimson, Lijiang Old Town exudes an air of tranquility.

Avoid visiting during the National Day holiday (usually from October 1st to 7th), which is the most crowded time.

Winter (December to February): A Serene Escape and Festive Spirit

Snow-capped mountains provide a picturesque backdrop, and the festive spirit of Lunar New Year fills the air.

Avoid visiting during the Spring Festival holiday, usually during late January or early February lasting for 7 days.

Summer (June to August): A Vibrant Contrast and Nocturnal Delights

Lush greenery adorns the landscape, and the town comes alive with a vibrant energy when the sunset coming.

Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Lijiang Old Town Beautiful Alley
Lijiang Old Town Beautiful Alley

Best Time of Day - Late Afternoon to Evenings

While Lijiang Old Town exudes a captivating charm throughout the day, it truly comes alive under the cloak of night. As darkness descends, the town transforms into a mesmerizing spectacle of illuminated streets, bustling markets, and lively performances.

Early Morning Serenity: Witness the town awaken as the first rays of sunlight illuminate the Naxi architecture and cast long shadows.

Afternoon Tea and Cultural Delights: As the afternoon sun warms the town, indulge in the delightful tradition of afternoon tea at a local Naxi teahouse with flowers and streams.

Nightlife and Culinary Adventures: Explore the labyrinthine alleyways lined with lively bars and restaurants, where the tantalizing aromas of local cuisine mingle with the sounds of traditional music.

Whether you seek the tranquility of dawn or the vibrant energy of night, Lijiang Old Town offers an unforgettable experience throughout the year. Embrace the unique charm of each season and discover the timeless beauty that has captivated travelers for centuries.

Attractions nearby Lijiang Ancient Town

  1. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain: Situated about 15 kilometers north of Lijiang, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is a majestic mountain range with snow-capped peaks. This majestic mountain range is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit for any nature lover. You can hike through the scenic trails, marvel at the glaciers, or take a cable car ride to the summit for panoramic views.
  2. Shuhe Ancient Town: Located about 4 kilometers northwest of Lijiang Old Town, Shuhe is a quieter and more traditional town with a laid-back atmosphere. You can explore its narrow cobbled streets lined with traditional wooden houses, shops selling Naxi handicrafts, and cozy cafes.
  3. Baisha Village: Situated about 10 kilometers north of Lijiang Old Town, Baisha Village is known for its well-preserved Bai minority culture. You can explore the village's historic sites, including Baisha Murals, Dabaoji Palace, and the Naxi Embroidery Institute.
  4. Tiger Leaping Gorge: About 60 kilometers northwest of Lijiang, Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of the deepest gorges in the world. It's a popular destination for hiking enthusiasts, offering breathtaking views of the roaring Jinsha River and towering cliffs.

These attractions can be visited as day trips from Lijiang Old Town, either by hiring a private car, joining organized tours, or using public transportation. Each of these sites provides a unique experience and showcases the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and outdoor adventures available in the Lijiang area.

Waterfall in Blue Moon Valley
Waterfall in Blue Moon Valley
Lijiang Tiger Leaping Gorge (Upper Gorge)
Lijiang Tiger Leaping Gorge (Upper Gorge)

How to Plan a Trip to Lijiang Old Town (With nearby Attractions)

While the Old Town of Lijiang is a prominent attraction, there is much more to explore in the surrounding areas. Spending 2-3 days in Lijiang allows you to immerse yourself in the abundance of nature and culture that the region has to offer. If you have more days, considering a visit to the Shangri-La to meet the Tibetan culture and landscape.On the way to Shangri-La, you’ll have the opportunity to changeling the famous hiking trail in Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Day 1: Arrive in Lijiang ans Explore Lijiang Old Town

Spend half a day wandering through the historic streets and experiencing the unique charm of the Old Town.

Day 2: Visit Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

Dedicate a full day to explore the majestic mountain range, enjoying stunning landscapes, taking a cable car ride, and engaging in outdoor activities like hiking or horseback riding.

Day 3: Discover Baisha Village and Shuhe Ancient Town

Spend a day exploring the cultural heritage of Baisha Village, known for its ancient murals, and immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of Shuhe Ancient Town with its well-preserved architecture.

Day 4-5: Extend your trip to Shangri-La (Optional)

Venture to Shangri-La to experience Tibetan culture and visit attractions like the Songzanlin Monastery (Little Potala Palace), Napahai, and Pudacuo, which offer natural beauty and serenity.

Day 6-7: Hike Tiger Leaping Gorge (Optional)

Embark on the magnificent hiking trail of Tiger Leaping Gorge, where you can witness the powerful Jinsha River flowing through the narrow gorge.

By following this itinerary, you can make the most of your time in Lijiang, appreciating the blend of nature, culture, and historical sites the region has to offer.

Intricate cobblestone streets of Lijiang Old Town
Intricate cobblestone streets of Lijiang Old Town
Beautiful Night View of Lijiang Old Town
Beautiful Night View of Lijiang Old Town

Where to Stay & What to Eat in Lijiang Old Town

Accommodation Options in Old Town of Lijiang

  1. Inside Lijiang Old Town

Staying within the Old Town itself offers a convenient and authentic experience. You can find numerous guesthouses, boutique hotels, and traditional Naxi-style accommodations nestled within the narrow streets and alleys. If you prefer a quieter environment, consider accommodations in the southeast or northwest areas of the town. For instance, Aman Dayan is a renowned inn located in the northwest. However, keep in mind that navigating the ancient city with large luggage might be challenging, so it's advisable to book a hotel or B&B that offers pick-up services.

  1. Shuhe Ancient Town

Situated a few kilometers north of Lijiang Old Town, Shuhe Ancient Town provides a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. It boasts well-preserved ancient architecture and offers a range of accommodations, including boutique hotels and guesthouses. Staying in Shuhe Ancient Town offers a tranquil retreat while still being close to Lijiang's attractions, such as Baisha Village and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

  1. Lijiang New Town

For a more modern and vibrant setting, Lijiang New Town is a great option. Located outside the Old Town area, it features a variety of hotels, including international chains, mid-range options, and budget accommodations. Lijiang New Town provides easy access to amenities, shopping centers, and transportation hubs. Some hotels offer rooms with views of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, allowing you to enjoy the scenic beauty from your accommodation. If this interests you, you can inquire and book such rooms if available.

Lijiang Old Town
Lijiang Old Town
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View

Must-try Dishes in Lijiang Ancient Town

In Lijiang Old Town, you can enjoy a variety of cuisines including Yunnan, Tibetan, Naxi, and street food. These cuisines feature local ingredients, unique cooking methods, and delicious flavors. The restaurants in the ancient city have a charming atmosphere, with beautiful decorations of flowers and plants. It's recommended to try a small local eatery to experience the authentic flavors of the region when you visit Lijiang Old Town.

Preserved Pork Ribs Hot Pot - Naxi Cuisine: A classic Naxi dish featuring preserved pork ribs cooked in a hot pot with fresh vegetables and seasonings.

Wild Mushroom Soup Pot - Yunnan Cuisine: A flavorful Yunnan dish prepared with a variety of wild mushrooms in a delicious soup.

Steam Pot Chicken - Yunnan Cuisine: Tender chicken cooked in a unique steaming pot with fragrant herbs and spices.

Lijiang Baba - Naxi Snack: A local specialty snack resembling a pancake or flatbread with various flavors and toppings.

Fresh Flower Cake - Yunnan Specialty: A visually appealing Yunnan dessert made with fresh flowers incorporated into the cake batter.

Fried Insects - Yunnan Specialty: Adventurous snack options where fried insects are savored.

Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles - Yunnan Staple: A signature Yunnan dish with rice noodles, meats, vegetables, and flavorful broth.

Fried Yogurt - Tibetan Cuisine: Crispy fried yogurt, a unique Tibetan delicacy.

Yak Meat Hot Pot - Tibetan Cuisine: Hearty hot pot featuring tender yak meat in a flavorful broth.

Tips When Visiting Old Town of Lijiang

Wear comfortable shoes: The Old Town of Lijiang is characterized by its narrow and winding streets, many of which are paved with cobblestones. Opt for comfortable shoes to navigate the uneven terrain and enjoy your exploration without discomfort.

Sun protection: Lijiang's location at a higher altitude means the sun can be quite strong. Protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Consider carrying an umbrella or parasol for additional shade.

Take photos in ethnic costumes: Lijiang offers the opportunity to dress up in traditional Naxi or other ethnic costumes for a fee. If you're interested, you can rent these costumes and capture memorable photos while experiencing the local culture.

Visit during weekdays and avoid peak seasons: Lijiang Old Town can get crowded, especially during weekends and Chinese holidays. If possible, plan your visit on weekdays to avoid the largest crowds. Additionally, aim to avoid the peak travel seasons such as Chinese New Year, May Day, and National Day holidays, as the Old Town can become quite crowded during these times.

Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View
Lijiang Old Town Amazing View
Lijiang Old Town Amazing View

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Lijiang, Yunnan

Travel to Lijiang with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and indulge yourself in the enchanting beauty and vibrant culture of Yunnan. With over a decade of experience in the region, AOT is a trusted travel partner that provides a variety of customizable Lijiang tour packages, catering to the preferences of every traveler. Whether you're looking for a old town explore, a snow mountain adventure, a romantic escape, or a cultural exploration of Lijiang and its Naxi minority heritage, AOT has the expertise to curate the perfect itinerary for your needs. Immerse yourself in the wonders of Lijiang with AOT and create unforgettable memories in this captivating destination.

Popular Attractions: Lijiang Old Town, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tour Packages: Lijiang Tours, Lijiang Shangri-La Tours, Kunming Lijiang Tours

Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Asia Odyssey Travel and explore the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Lijiang. Contact us today to start planning your dream vacation.

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