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14 Best Things to Do in Lijiang: Lijiang Attractions (Updated 2024)

Written by Senior Expert Felicia|Updated: 2024-06-28

Lijiang, located in northwestern Yunnan, is a captivating tourist destination that boasts a rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and a unique Dongba culture. With its UNESCO ancient towns, majestic mountains, and vibrant lakes, Lijiang offers a myriad of top attractions that will make your trip unforgettable.

But What’s the best things to do in Lijiang? First and foremost, immerse yourself in the labyrinthine streets of Lijiang Old Town. You can also find some interesting things to do close to Lijiang Old Town. Next, venture to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and explore the villages nestled beneath its mystic peaks, immersing yourself in the intriguing Naxi culture that thrives there. Lastly, make sure to visit Tiger Leaping Gorge, where you can witness the awe-inspiring grandeur of China's deepest canyon.

Lijiang has so much more to offer, and we have compiled a list of the 14 best things to do and top attractions in the city to help you fully discover its vibrant charm. Lijiang beckons, ready to unveil its treasures and weave its magic around you. Let the adventure begin!

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  • trianglePopular Lijiang Attractions with Map
  • triangle1. Stroll through the Lijiang Old Town - Best Lijiang Attraction
  • triangle2. Marvel at the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
  • triangle3. Adventure in the Tiger Leaping Gorge
  • triangle4. Wander around Black Dragon Pool Park
  • triangle5. Discover the Naxi Culture in Dongba Culture Museum
  • triangle6. Visit Baisha Village to Admire Baisha Mural
  • triangle7. Be Mesmerized by the Impression Lijiang Show
  • triangle8. Explore Mufu Palace to Witness the Glory of Mu Family
  • triangle9. Visit Shuhe Ancient Town
  • triangle10. Climb to the Top of Lion Hill to Get a Panoramic View
  • triangle11. Visit the First Bend of the Yangtze River to Admire its Vastitude
  • triangle12. Taste Lijiang Cuisine and Street Food
  • triangle13. Visiting the Lugu Lake to Unveiling the Mystery of the Mosuo people
  • triangle14. Travel to Yuhu Village (玉湖村) to Trace Locke's Footsteps
  • triangleHow to Plan a Lijiang Panoramic Tour?
  • triangleTravel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Lijiang, Yunnan

Popular Lijiang Attractions with Map

Lijiang Tourist Map
Lijiang Attractions on map

1. Stroll through the Lijiang Old Town - Best Lijiang Attraction

Lijiang Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular attractions in Lijiang. With a history of over 800 years, Lijiang Old Town is renowned for its well-preserved ancient architecture, antique alleys and lanes dotted with flowers and streams, as well as bustling bar streets and nightlife. You can spend half day to one day in this picturesque town.

Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town
Mu's Mansion (Mufu Palace)
Mu's Mansion (Mufu Palace)

Things to Do in Lijiang Old Town

  1. Explore the maze-like alleys: Wander through the intricate streets, discovering stunning architecture and traditional shops hidden in the alleys.
  2. Enjoy afternoon tea in a flower-filled shop: Relax in a cozy café or tea house, surrounded by flowers and greenery, while savoring delicious pastries or coffee.
  3. Experience the vibrant nightlife: Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of the bars, sipping local drinks, enjoying live music, and perhaps joining in dance activities.
  4. Have a memorable photo shoot in minority costumes: Rent exquisite minority costumes and capture beautiful moments at scenic spots within the ancient town.
  5. Sample unique street food: Indulge in a culinary adventure by trying local delicacies from the food stalls scattered throughout the old town, including butter tea, Lijiang roasted fish, and "Crossing the Bridge" rice noodles.

Find more interesting things to do in Lijiang Old Town.

2. Marvel at the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, also known as Yulong Snow Mountain, is renowned for its rugged peaks, deep valleys, and snow-covered summits. The majestic snow mountain is one of the southernmost snow-capped mountains in the Northern Hemisphere and can be admired from various locations in Lijiang City, including Black Dragon Pool Park, Shuhe Ancient Town, Yuhu Village, Baisha Village, and prominent buildings throughout the city. However, to truly experience the vibrant beauty of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, it is recommended to visit the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Reserve and get up close to its awe-inspiring presence.

Waterfall in Blue Moon Valley
Waterfall in Blue Moon Valley
Glacier Park in Yulong Snow Mountain
Glacier Park in Yulong Snow Mountain

Highlights of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

Blue Moon Valley (蓝月谷) - Known as Little Jiuzhaigou, it is famous for its stunning turquoise-colored lakes, cascading waterfalls, and lush vegetation. You can walk around the scenic trails or take an electric shuttle bus to enjoy the crystal-clear waters and the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.

Glacier Park (冰川公园) - Glacier Park, located at an elevation of 4,680 meters, is the highest point within the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain scenic area. It provides the closest opportunity to admire the Yulong Snow Mountain and its glaciers. A 20-minute cable car ride followed by a hundred-step hike will take you to the 4,680-meter viewing platform. Don't underestimate the popularity of Glacier Park; the cable car ride uphill may require a wait of over two hours or more.

Spruce Meadow (云杉坪) - Close to Blue Moon Valley, Spruce Meadow is a high-altitude meadow with an elevation of 3,240 meters. It features dense spruce forests, where you can take a leisurely stroll or hike through the charming forest. A 15-minute cable car will take you to the vast meadow paradise.

Yak Meadow (牦牛坪) - Yak Meadow is located 20 km north away from the Blue Moon Valley. It’s also a high-altitude meadow with an elevation of 3,700 meters. A 1-hour road journey followed by a 20-minute cable car will take you to this meadow, where you can witness the 13 peaks of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

Check the best itinerary in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Guide.

3. Adventure in the Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge is a deep and narrow canyon carved by the Jinsha River (part of the upper Yangtze River), located on the way from Lijiang to Shangri-La. It stretches for about 15 kilometers (9 miles) and is flanked by towering cliffs that rise up to 3,900 meters (12,795 feet) above sea level. The gorge is named after a legendary story where a tiger is said to have leaped across the river at its narrowest point.

Lijiang Tiger Leaping Gorge (Upper Gorge)
Lijiang Tiger Leaping Gorge (Upper Gorge)
Admire Jade Dragon Snow Mountain during Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking
Admire Jade Dragon Snow Mountain during Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking

Hiking and Trekking in Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge is renowned for its hiking and trekking opportunities. The most popular route is the High Trail, which follows the upper edge of the gorge and offers breathtaking views of the river and surrounding mountains. The trail is well-marked and takes hikers through picturesque villages, terraced fields, waterfalls, and scenic viewpoints. The hike typically takes two to three days to complete, and there are options for shorter or longer routes depending on your preference.

As you hike along the trail, you'll be treated to panoramic views of the roaring Jinsha River, rugged cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and snow-capped peaks in the distance. The grandeur and untouched beauty of Tiger Leaping Gorge make it a paradise for nature lovers and photographers.

Check details of Tiger Leaping Gorge hiking in Yunnan Hiking Trails.

4. Wander around Black Dragon Pool Park

Black Dragon Pool Park (黑龙潭公园), also known as Yuquan Park (玉泉公园), is located at the foot of the Elephant Hill (象山), north of Lijiang Old Town. It is a scenic area known for its crystal-clear water and stunning views of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Lush gardens, pavilions, and temples surround the pool. It is a popular spot for photography Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, especially during sunrise when the golden peak bathing in sunlight is reflected in the water. The best vantage point for photography is near the Suocui Bridge (锁翠桥), located in the southern part of the park, where you can capture images of the Wukong Bridge (五孔桥), the Deyue Pavilion (得月楼) and the reflection of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the Black Dragon Pool.

For a unique viewing perspective and experience, you can also spend 30 minutes ascending the mountain path to reach the summit of Elephant Hill (象山2,500 meters), where you have different vantage points offering panoramic views of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Lijiang Old Town.

Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang

5. Discover the Naxi Culture in Dongba Culture Museum

The Dongba Culture Museum, also known as Lijiang Museum, is located just outside the north gate of Black Dragon Pool Park. The museum's architecture follows the traditional courtyard style of the Naxi ethnic group, with four exhibition halls forming a quadrangle.

The First Exhibition Hall mainly showcases the origin and development of Naxi culture with a sand table depicting the distribution of the Naxi people, Naxi costumes, and cultural relics unearthed in Lijiang.

The second exhibition hall is the Life Rite Exhibition Hall, which primarily introduces the Dongba divination culture. Here, you can learn about Dongba priests, various divination tools discovered in archaeological excavations, and the rituals of divination.

The third exhibition hall is the Dongba Manuscripts Exhibition Hall, where you can explore the formation and development of the Naxi script with a collection of Dongba ancient books, Naxi religious art, and more.

The fourth exhibition hall is the Temporary Exhibition Hall, which occasionally showcases collaborative exhibits from other museums.

It takes about one hour to visit the Dongba Culture Museum. Through guided explanations, you will gain a deeper understanding of Naxi culture. The intriguing Dongba pictographic script and the mysterious Dongba divination culture may become unforgettable memories of your trip to Lijiang.

6. Visit Baisha Village to Admire Baisha Mural

Baisha Village, located 10 kilometers away from Lijiang Old Town, is renowned for its ancient architecture, traditional Naxi culture, and the iconic Baisha Mural.

Baisha Mural is a collection of exquisite frescoes dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the early Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). These murals depict various themes including religion (Tibetan Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, and Taoism), legends, daily life, and Naxi mythology. The murals beautifully showcase the artistic skills and cultural heritage of the Naxi people.

Visit Baisha Murals in Lijiang
Visit Baisha Murals in Lijiang
Dabaoji Palace, Baisha Village
Dabaoji Palace, Baisha Village

Highlights of Baisha Mural

The Wenchang Palace (文昌宫), built in the 18th century, showcases the history of Baisha and features wall paintings and photographs.

The Liuli Temple (琉璃殿), constructed in 1416, preserves 16 remaining wall paintings from the Ming Dynasty, though they are relatively small in size.

The Dabaoji Palace (大宝积宫), built in 1583, houses 12 well-preserved wall paintings from the Ming Dynasty, exhibiting a larger scale compared to the Liuli Temple.

The Dading Pavilion (大定阁), renovated in 1743, contains 16 remaining wall paintings, some of which were repainted during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

Things to Do in Baisha Village

  1. Visit Naxi Residences: Explore traditional Naxi houses, learn about their architecture and culture, and interact with locals.
  2. Try Naxi Baba: Experience making and tasting Naxi Baba, a famous flatbread filled with various ingredients. Join a cooking class or visit local eateries.
  3. Experience Naxi Embroidery: Witness the intricate Naxi embroidery craft at workshops or craft centers. Try your hand at embroidery under the guidance of local artisans.
  4. Write Dongba Pictographic Characters: Learn about the unique Dongba script, a pictographic writing system used by the Naxi people. Engage in calligraphy or workshops to practice writing these ancient symbols.

7. Be Mesmerized by the Impression Lijiang Show

The Impression Lijiang Show is a grand-scale outdoor performance that takes place in Ganhaizi Meadow, at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Directed by Zhang Yimou, the show combines traditional Naxi music, dance, and storytelling with innovative technology and stunning visual effects, creating a captivating celebration of Naxi culture and heritage. With its grand-scale production, vibrant costumes, and breathtaking natural setting, the Impression Lijiang Show immerses the audience in a sensory journey that leaves a lasting impression of the rich cultural tapestry of the region.

Impression Lijiang Show in Lijiang
Impression Lijiang Show in Lijiang
Impression Lijiang show
Impression Lijiang show

Tips for the Show

  1. Cost: Regular ticket: 280 yuan, VIP ticket: 348 yuan. If you visit the theater, you may need an additional 100 yuan entrance ticket to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Park. It's recommended to combine the performance with a visit to enhance your experience.
  2. Performance Time: Shows are held in the morning and afternoon, lasting about 1 hour. Allocate enough time. (Contact us for the latest show timings.)
  3. Outdoor Sun Protection: Performance is held outdoors. Good weather enhances the experience, but direct sunlight may affect seating. Bring a hat and sun protection measures.
  4. Altitude: The theater is at 3,100 meters. Altitude sickness is unlikely, but descending from Glacier Park may cause symptoms.

8. Explore Mufu Palace to Witness the Glory of Mu Family

The Mu Palace, situated at the base of Lion Hill on the western side of Lijiang Old Town, was the residence of the Mu family, who ruled over Lijiang for more than four centuries. Modeled after Beijing's Forbidden City, the palace complex follows a central axis, which spans 369 meters from west to east. The Zhongyi Gate (忠义门) is located on the eastern side of Mufu Palace and serves as its entrance. Once you enter, the buildings in sequence are the Executive Hall (议事厅), Wanjuan Pavilion (万卷楼), Dharma Guardian Hall (护法殿), Yuyin Pavilion (玉音楼), and Sanqing Pavilion (三清殿).

Mu Palace, Lijiang
Mu Palace, Lijiang
Mu Palace, Lijiang
Mu Palace, Lijiang

Things to Do in Mufu Palace

  1. Explore the palace of the highest rulers of the Naxi ethnic group and admire the beauty of Naxi architecture. The Wanjuan Pavilion and Executive Hall showcase the pinnacle of architectural achievements in Mufu.
  2. Climb up to the Sanqing Hall and overlook the central axis of Mufu. The entire Mufu Palace resembles a miniature version of the Forbidden City.
  3. Learn about Mufu’s glorious history and stories with a guided tour. The guide will provide explanations and insights into the significance of each building and the events that took place within the palace.

9. Visit Shuhe Ancient Town

Shuhe Ancient Town is located just 6 kilometers away from the Lijiang Old Town and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site. Shuhe Ancient Town shares similarities with the Lijiang Old Town as both showcase traditional Naxi architecture and layout. The town is crisscrossed by small streams and canals, with a central square known as Sifang Street.

However, there are differences between Shuhe Ancient Town and the Old Town of Lijiang. Shuhe Ancient Town is smaller in size, making it easier to navigate and less likely to get lost. It retains a more primitive and tranquil atmosphere and is not as heavily commercialized. The number of tourists visiting Shuhe Ancient Town is relatively fewer, especially during the nighttime.

Recommended Visiting Route in Shuhe Ancient Town

South Gate - Sifang Tingyin (四方听音) - Feihua Chushui (飞花触水) - Qinglong Bridge (青龙桥) - Jiuding Longtan (九鼎龙潭) - North Gate

Sifang Tingyin (Square Street with Music): The central square, where you can enjoy Naxi ethnic song and dance performances during the day and bonfire parties in the evening.

Feihua Chushui (Flowers Touching Water): Commerce center of the ancient town, with many restaurants and bars along the banks.

Qinglong Bridge: A stone arch bridge with a history of 400 years.

Jiuding Longtan (Nine Cauldrons Dragon Pool): A wide river with clear and sparkling water, surrounded by ancient towering trees.

10. Climb to the Top of Lion Hill to Get a Panoramic View

Lion Hill, situated west of Lijiang Old Town, has an elevation of 2,400 meters. At the summit stands Wangu Tower (万古楼), a five-story Chinese-style pavilion. A 20-minute hike leads to the top.

Lijiang Ancient Town under Lion Hill
Lijiang Ancient Town under Lion Hill
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View

From Wangu Tower, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Old Town and catch a glimpse of the majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. However, the view from the tower might be partially obstructed by trees due to its lower height and dense vegetation on Lion Hill. Not to worry, though! If you descend about 100 meters, there is a dedicated observation deck that provides an unobstructed view of the entire Lijiang Old Town sprawling before your eyes.

During the summer, you can even visit Lion Hill at night to witness the beautifully illuminated Old Town, as the lights create a mesmerizing sight.

11. Visit the First Bend of the Yangtze River to Admire its Vastitude

The First Bend of the Yangtze River is a remarkable natural feature situated near the town of Shigu (石鼓镇) in Yunnan Province. It is about 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of Lijiang city center and 130 kilometers (80 miles) south of Shangri-La. The Yangtze River, known as the Jinsha River in its upper reaches, makes a dramatic U-turn here, forming a horseshoe shape. It is where the river abruptly changes its course from flowing southward to heading in a northward direction.

First Bend of the Yangtze River Panoramic View
First Bend of the Yangtze River Panoramic View
First Bend of the Yangtze River, Lijiang
First Bend of the Yangtze River, Lijiang

Viewing platforms have been built along the First Bend, you can admire the river's impressive bend and the surrounding scenery. These platforms provide optimal vantage points for capturing photographs and taking in panoramic views.

12. Taste Lijiang Cuisine and Street Food

The local cuisine in Lijiang is influenced by the region's diverse ethnic groups, including the Naxi, Tibetan, Bai, and Yi people.

What to Eat

Yunnan Cuisine: Try dishes like Sour Bamboo Shoots with Beef, Erkuai Roast Chicken, and Steam Pot Chicken.

Cured Pork Ribs Hotpot (腊排骨火锅): A unique specialty of Lijiang, must-try food in Lijiang

Naxi Snacks: Chicken Bean Cold Rice Noodles (鸡豆凉粉), Lijiang Baba (丽江粑粑), and Rushan (乳扇, a local cheese).

Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles (过桥米线): This is a staple dish in Yunnan cuisine and can be found in Lijiang. It consists of rice noodles served in a flavorful broth with various toppings.

Wild Mushrooms: Lijiang is known for its abundant wild mushroom varieties, which are considered a delicacy. They are fresh and delicious.

Where to Eat:

You can find local food and street vendors in Lijiang Old Town, Shuhe Ancient Town, Baisha Village, Huama Street (花马街), and Zhongyi Market (忠义市场). These areas offer a wide range of dining options, from small street stalls to local restaurants, allowing you to savor the local flavors of Lijiang.

13. Visiting the Lugu Lake to Unveiling the Mystery of the Mosuo people

Lugu Lake is located at the border of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in southwestern China. It is about 200 kilometers away from Lijiang City, and the journey by car takes around 4 hours. It is a relatively distant destination, and it is generally recommended to plan a 2-day trip from Lijiang to Lugu Lake.

Lugu Lake is home to the Mosuo people, who have a unique and matrilineal society. The Mosuo people are known for their "walking marriage" tradition, where couples do not marry but live in separate households. The lake and its surrounding areas offer visitors an opportunity to learn about and experience this distinct culture.

Lugu Lake, located on the border of Yunnan and Sichuan
Lugu Lake, located on the border of Yunnan and Sichuan
Boating and canoeing on the Lugu Lake
Boating and canoeing on the Lugu Lake

Things to Do in Lugu Lake

1.Take a traditional wooden boat or a canoe (猪槽船) to explore the enchanting Lugu Lake.

  1. Visit the Mosuo Walking Marriage Bridge (走婚桥) in Caohai (草海) to learn about the mysterious "walking marriage" tradition.
  2. Hike to Goddess Bay (女神湾) to watch a wonderful sunset.
  3. Sample the delicious local cuisine of the Mosuo people in Luoshui Village (洛水村).
  4. Enjoy the panoramic view of Lugu Lake at Lige Peninsula (里格半岛).
  5. In summer, you can see the wavy-leaved sea lettuce (水性杨花), a flower unique to Lugu Lake, with small white flowers floating on the water in clusters, which is very stunning.

14. Travel to Yuhu Village (玉湖村) to Trace Locke's Footsteps

Yuhu Village, located under the majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, is famous for being the residence of Joseph Rock, an Austrian-American explorer, botanist, and anthropologist who lived in the village during the early 20th century. Rock made significant contributions to the study of the local Naxi culture and the flora of the region. His former residence has been converted into a museum, showcasing his life and work, as well as exhibits on the local culture and history.

Yuhu Village, at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Yuhu Village, at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Our Guests Visited Yuhu Village, Lijiang
Our Guests Visited Yuhu Village, Lijiang

The village has preserved its traditional Naxi architecture, characterized by stone houses with distinctive gray-tiled roofs. Walking through the village, you can marvel at the well-preserved traditional buildings and experience the authentic rural lifestyle. You can also take a horseback riding to Longnv Lake (龙女湖), which said to be the place where a Naxi princess was imprisoned.

How to Plan a Lijiang Panoramic Tour?

To fully immerse yourself in Lijiang and explore the top 14 attractions, it is recommended to allocate at least 3 days for your visit.

Day 1: Focus on Lijiang Old Town and nearby attractions such as Mufu Palace, Black Dragon Pool Park, Dongba Culture Museum, and Lion Hill. If you arrive in the late afternoon, you may need to prioritize and skip some attractions. Don't miss out on experiencing the vibrant nightlife of Lijiang Old Town and trying the delicious street food.

Day 2: Explore Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its surroundings, including the Impression Lijiang Show, Yuhu Village, Shuhe Ancient Town, and Baisha Village. Keep in mind that there may not be enough time to visit all attractions, so adjust your itinerary based on your preferences.

Day 3: Take a trip to Tiger Leaping Gorge, and on the way, make a stop at the First Bend of the Yangtze River. This can be part of your Lijiang to Shangri-La itinerary, or you can return to Lijiang after visiting the gorge.

If you plan to visit Lugu Lake, you will need an additional 2 days for a round trip.

Optimizing your time and prioritizing attractions based on your interests will ensure a fulfilling experience in Lijiang.

Lijiang Ancient Town under Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Lijiang Ancient Town under Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Lijiang Old Town
Lijiang Old Town

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Lijiang, Yunnan

Travel to Lijiang with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and indulge yourself in the enchanting beauty and vibrant culture of Yunnan. With over a decade of experience in the region, AOT is a trusted travel partner that provides a variety of customizable Lijiang tour packages, catering to the preferences of every traveler. Whether you're looking for a old town explore, a snow mountain adventure, a romantic escape, or a cultural exploration of Lijiang and its Naxi minority heritage, AOT has the expertise to curate the perfect itinerary for your needs. Immerse yourself in the wonders of Lijiang with AOT and create unforgettable memories in this captivating destination.

Popular Attractions: Lijiang Old Town, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tour Packages: Lijiang Tours, Lijiang Shangri-La Tours, Kunming Lijiang Tours

Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Asia Odyssey Travel and explore the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Lijiang. Contact us today to start planning your dream vacation.

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