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Yunnan Maps: Yunnan China Map & Yunnan Tourist Map (2024)

Written by Senior Expert Felicia|Updated: 2024-06-30

Welcome to Yunnan, a province in southwestern China known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and diverse ethnic communities. This Yunnan Map, or Yunnan China Map, Yunnan Province Map, will serve as gateways to unlock the treasures of this enchanting province.

In this Yunnan Maps, we’ll show you the location of Yunnan, the popular cities and top attractions you should not missed in Yunnan, the trains that connect these destinations and suggested travel itinerary of Yunnan. These Yunnan city map, Yunnan tourist map, Yunnan attractions map, Yunnan train map and Yunnan travel map will help a lot when you plan a trip to Yunnan.

With a reliable Yunnan map in your possession, you'll embark on a voyage of wonder and exploration, uncovering the province's diverse landscapes, immersing yourself in its vibrant cultures, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Let the journey begin, guided by the power of Yunnan maps.

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  • triangleYunnan Location Map - Where is Yunnan on a Map
  • triangleYunnan Province Map - Yunnan China Map
  • triangleYunnan City Map - Yunnan Map with Cities
  • triangleYunnan Tourist Map - Top Attractions on Yunnan Map
  • triangleYunnan Train Map - Main Trains on Yunnan Map
  • triangleHow to Plan a Yunnan Tour - Yunnan Travel Map
  • triangleTravel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Yunnan

Yunnan Location Map - Where is Yunnan on a Map

Yunnan China Map
Yunnan is located in southwestern China

Yunnan is a province located in the southwestern part of China. It shares borders with several countries and other Chinese provinces. The capital city of Yunnan is Kunming, which is located in the central part of the province.

Yunnan China Map
Yunnan border location map

Borders: Yunnan is bordered by the following regions:

  • Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the east.

  • Guizhou Province to the northeast.

  • Sichuan Province to the north.

  • Tibet Autonomous Region to the northwest.

  • Myanmar (Burma) to the west.

  • Laos to the south.

  • Vietnam to the southeast.

Yunnan Province Map - Yunnan China Map

Yunnan China Map
Yunnan province map

Yunnan Province in China is divided into 16 administrative divisions, including 8 prefecture-level cities and 8 autonomous prefectures.

8 prefecture-level cities are:

  1. Kunming City (昆明市)
  2. Qujing City (曲靖市)
  3. Yuxi City (玉溪市)
  4. Baoshan City (保山市)
  5. Zhaotong City (昭通市)
  6. Lijiang City (丽江市)
  7. Pu'er City (普洱市)
  8. Lincang City (临沧市)

8 autonomous prefectures are:

  1. Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture (大理白族自治州)
  2. Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (迪庆藏族自治州)
  3. Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture (红河哈尼族彝族自治州)
  4. Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture (西双版纳傣族自治州)
  5. Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture (德宏傣族景颇族自治州)
  6. Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture (怒江傈僳族自治州)
  7. Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture (楚雄彝族自治州)
  8. Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture (文山壮族苗族自治州)
A Panoramic View of Cuihu Park
A Panoramic View of Cuihu Park
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View

Yunnan City Map - Yunnan Map with Cities

Yunnan China Map
Main Cities and destinations in Yunnan on map

Yunnan is home to several popular tourist cities that attract visitors from around the world. Here are some of the most well-known tourist cities in Yunnan:

  1. Kunming: Known as the "City of Eternal Spring," Kunming captivates visitors with its pleasant climate, beautiful parks, and attractions like the Stone Forest and Dianchi Lake.
  2. Dali: Dali's serene Erhai Lake, Three Pagodas, and vibrant Bai ethnic culture create a captivating atmosphere in this ancient town nestled amidst picturesque landscapes.
  3. Lijiang: Lijiang Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, enchants with its cobblestone streets, Naxi architecture, and the majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the backdrop.
  4. Shangri-La: Shangri-La, surrounded by snow-capped mountains and Tibetan culture, offers spiritual encounters at the Songzanlin Monastery and breathtaking views of the Meili Snow Mountain.
  5. Xishuangbanna: In Xishuangbanna, tropical rainforests, Dai ethnic villages, and the vibrant atmosphere of the Water Splashing Festival provide a unique experience in Yunnan's southernmost region.
  6. Jianshui: Jianshui's rich heritage is evident in its well-preserved ancient town, Confucius Temple, and the exquisite Zhu Family Garden, showcasing traditional Chinese architecture.
  7. Yuanyang: Yuanyang enthralls with its magnificent terraced rice fields, sculpted by the Hani ethnic group, offering awe-inspiring vistas and a glimpse into traditional agricultural practices.

Yunnan Tourist Map - Top Attractions on Yunnan Map

Yunnan China Map
Top attractions in Yunnan on map
  1. Stone Forest (Shilin) - Kunming: Dramatic landscape of jagged limestone pillars, UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  2. Lijiang Old Town - Lijiang: A UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its well-preserved traditional architecture, intricate canals, and vibrant local culture.
  3. Dali Ancient Town - Dali: A charming ancient town with well-preserved traditional architecture, cobblestone streets, and a vibrant local culture.
  4. Songzanlin Monastery - Shangri-La: A magnificent Tibetan-style palace housing religious artifacts and offering panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  5. Tiger Leaping Gorge - Lijiang: One of the deepest gorges in the world, offering breathtaking hiking trails and stunning views of the roaring Yangtze River.
  6. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain - Lijiang: A majestic mountain range with towering peaks and glaciers, offering breathtaking views, alpine meadows, and opportunities for outdoor activities.
  7. Cangshan Mountain - Dali: A scenic mountain range with hiking trails, lush forests, and panoramic views of Erhai Lake, known for its natural beauty.
  8. Erhai Lake - Dali: A scenic freshwater lake known for its crystal-clear waters, offering boating opportunities and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  9. Three Pagodas - Dali: Iconic Buddhist pagodas dating back to the Tang Dynasty, offering a glimpse into the region's rich history and architectural heritage.
  10. Meili Snow Mountain - Deqin: Majestic snow-capped peaks that form part of the Hengduan Mountain Range, attracting trekkers and nature enthusiasts.
  11. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden - Xishuangbanna: A vast botanical garden showcasing the region's rich biodiversity, including rare plant species and tropical rainforests.
  12. Dongchuan Red Land - Kunming: A stunning area with vibrant red soil and picturesque landscapes, offering photographers a paradise of colors and textures.
  13. Shaxi Ancient Town - Dali: A hidden gem of ancient architecture and traditional culture, offering a glimpse into the ancient Tea Horse Road trading route.
  14. Lugu Lake - Lijiang: A pristine lake surrounded by mountains, known for its tranquil atmosphere, unique matriarchal society, and traditional Mosuo culture.
  15. Yuanyang Rice Terraces - Yuanyang: A UNESCO World Heritage Site featuring stunning terraced fields carved into the mountainside, creating a picturesque landscape.
  16. Xizhou Ancient Town - Dali: A historic town known for its well-preserved Bai ethnic architecture, traditional courtyards, and vibrant local culture, offering a glimpse into Bai heritage.
  17. Jianshui Old City - Jianshui: A charming ancient city with well-preserved Confucian temples, traditional residences, and a unique blend of Ming and Qing Dynasty architecture.
  18. Pudacuo National Park - Shangri-La: A pristine nature reserve boasting picturesque landscapes, highland lakes, dense forests, and diverse wildlife, including endangered species.
  19. Luoping Rapeseed Fields - Qujing: Vast fields of golden rapeseed flowers that bloom in spring, creating a stunning carpet of yellow, attracting photographers and nature lovers.
  20. Western Hills - Kunming: A scenic area with lush forests, temples, and panoramic views of Kunming city, known for its natural beauty and cultural significance.
Stone Forest, Once Submerged Under an Ancient Sea
Stone Forest, Once Submerged Under an Ancient Sea
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town

Yunnan Train Map - Main Trains on Yunnan Map

Yunnan China Map
Main high-speed train rails in Yunnan on map

Main cities in Yunnan is well-connected by High-Speed Trains. You can take bullet train from Kunming or Dali to other famous destinations, such as Lijiang, Shangri-La, Xishuangbanna, and Jianshui.

How to Plan a Yunnan Tour - Yunnan Travel Map

Yunnan China Map
How to plan Yunnan tour

Day 1: Arrive in Kunming, airport pick-up, check-in at the hotel, and free time to explore the city.

Day 2: Visit West Hill for the Dragon Gate and Taoist Grottoes, followed by a trip to the Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Day 3: Travel to Honghe and marvel at the breathtaking Yuanyang Rice Terraces, particularly the beautiful Bada Rice Terraces at sunset.

Day 4: Explore the Yuanyang Rice Terraces, including Duoyishu Rice Terrace, Aichun Blue Rice Terrace, Azheke Mushroom Houses, and Laohuzui Rice Terraces.

Day 5: Journey to Jianshui and visit the historical Jianshui Ancient Town, featuring attractions such as Chaoyang Tower, Confucius Temple, and Zhu Family Garden.

Day 6: Visit the Double Dragon Bridge and Tuanshan Village, known for its traditional architecture. Back to Kunming.

Day 7: Take a high-speed train from Kunming to Dali, where you'll see the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple, enjoy a bike ride around Erhai Lake, and have free time in Dali Ancient Town.

Day 8: Explore Dali's highlights, including Xizhou Village, and Zhoucheng Tie-dye workshop. Head to Lijiang for Lijiang Old Town (a UNESCO World Heritage site), and Black Dragon Pond Park.

Day 9: Experience the wonders of Lijiang, including Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Blue Moon Valley, Baisha Murals, and Shuhe Ancient Town.

Day 10: Travel from Lijiang to Shangri-La, stopping at the First Bend of the Yangtze River and Tiger Leaping Gorge, and finally reaching Dukezong Ancient Town.

Day 11: Discover Shangri-La's cultural gems, including Songzanlin Monastery, Pudacuo National Park, and a visit to a Tibetan family.

Day 12: Check out from your hotel in Shangri-La and depart for your onward journey.

Dali City Streetscape
Dali City Streetscape
Songzanlin Monastery, Shangri-La
Songzanlin Monastery, Shangri-La

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Yunnan

Embark on a breathtaking journey to Yunnan with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and discover the province's stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. As a trusted travel partner with over a decade of experience in the region, AOT offers a wide range of customizable Yunnan tour packages tailored to meet the diverse interests of every traveler. Whether you're seeking a family adventure, a romantic escape, or an in-depth exploration of Yunnan's ethnic diversity and natural wonders, AOT has the expertise to craft the perfect itinerary for you.

Popular Destinations:

  • Kunming: The "Spring City" known for its pleasant climate and vibrant flowers.
  • Lijiang: A UNESCO World Heritage Site with a well-preserved ancient town.
  • Dali: Famous for its beautiful Erhai Lake and the ancient Bai culture.
  • Shangri-La: A gateway to Tibetan culture and stunning highland scenery.
  • Yuanyang Rice Terraces: Renowned for its spectacular rice terraces.
  • Xishuangbanna: Experience the tropical climate, rich biodiversity, and the unique Dai culture, including attractions like the Wild Elephant Valley and tropical rainforests.
  • Tiger Leaping Gorge: One of the deepest gorges in the world, offering breathtaking views and thrilling hiking trails along the Jinsha River.
  • Jianshui: A historic town known for its ancient architecture, including the well-preserved Jianshui Confucian Temple and the beautiful Zhu Family Garden.

Tour Packages:

Start planning your dream vacation today with Asia Odyssey Travel and experience the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Yunnan. Contact us to begin your journey.

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