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Yunnan Itineraries: 3 Days to 12 Days Yunnan Itinerary

Written by Celine Schneider|Updated: 2024-06-27

Captivating landscapes, ancient towns, and rich ethnic group cultural - Yunnan is a destination that promises adventure and discovery. Planning your perfect Yunnan itinerary can feel overwhelming with so many incredible options.

Fear not, we’ve got you covered with detailed Yunnan itineraries that cater to every trip duration, from a quick 3-day escape to an immersive 12-day exploration. Whether you’re enchanted by the mystical Stone Forest, the vibrant streets of Lijiang Old Town, or the serene beauty of Shangri-La, our comprehensive Yunnan itinerary guide will help you navigate Yunnan’s diverse landscapes and captivating experiences. Dive into the storied past of Yunnan, savor its mouthwatering cuisine, and create unforgettable memories tailored to your travel style and timeline.

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  • triangleHow to Spend 1-4 Days in Yunnan (for a City Tour of Top Yunnan Destinations)
  • triangleYunnan Itinerary 5-6 Days: From Kunming to Top Destination of Yunnan
  • triangleYunnan Itinerary 7-12 Days: Classic & Yunnan Panorama Tour
  • triangleExtend Your Yunnan Itinerary

How to Spend 1-4 Days in Yunnan (for a City Tour of Top Yunnan Destinations)

Almost all of the top destinations of Yunnan, including Kunming, Lijiang, Dali, Shangri-La, and Xishuangbanna, have excellent flight routes and high-speed train connections. So, based on your vacation time and preferences, you can easily explore the highlights of each destination in just 1 to 4 days.

Kunming: Spring City

Kunming Stone Forest
Kunming Stone Forest
Cable Car Ride & Dianchi Lake, West Hill
Cable Car Ride & Dianchi Lake, West Hill
Day Attractions
1 Arrival
2 Stone Forest (World Heritage), Yuantong Temple (Zen Buddhist), Green Lake Park
3 West Hill (Dragon Gate, Taoist Grottoes )
4 Departure

Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan, is famously known as the "City of Eternal Spring." With its pleasant climate and vibrant atmosphere, it's a place that invites exploration and discovery.

Be sure to visit the must-see spots like Yuantong Temple and the Flower Market, where you can soak up the rich history and local flavor. For nature lovers, Dian Lake and the Western Hills offer breathtaking natural beauty that will leave you spellbound.

However, the true highlight of Kunming is the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Stone Forest. In this extraordinary geological wonder, you'll marvel at nature's craftsmanship. Plus, you'll be enchanted by the legendary story of Ashima, feeling the mystical and romantic aura that envelops this land.

Best Time/Season to Visit Kunming: Weather, Climate & Travel Tips

How to Plan a Kunming Tour, Ultimate Kunming Trip Guide 2024

Things to Do in Kunming: What to Do & Places to Visit in Kunming

Lijiang: Old Towns, Yulong Snow Mountain & Naxi Culture

Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View
Lijiang Old Town Panoramic View
Day Departure
1 Lijiang Old Town
2 Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Blue Moon Valley, Baisha Murals, Shuhe Ancient Town
3 First Bend of the Yangtze River, Tiger Leaping Gorge

Lijiang is famous for its combo of ancient towns and the majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Ready to explore one of the most iconic ancient towns of China? Lijiang Old Town will make you feel like you've traveled back in time, from the Wooden Palace to Sifang Street and the Big Water Wheel.

Hop on the cable car to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain's highlights: Glacier Park, Spruce Meadow, Yak Meadow, and the stunning Blue Moon Valley. Don't miss out on Shuhe and Baisha Old Towns for more Naxi history and culture.

14 Best Things to Do in Lijiang: Lijiang Attractions (Updated 2024)

Best Time to Visit Lijiang | Lijiang Weather (2024)

How to Plan a Trip to Lijiang Yunnan (Updated 2024)?

Dali: Poetic and Laid-Back Spot

Erhai Lake Cycling Trail
Erhai Lake Cycling Trail
Rooftop View of Dali Old Town, Yunnan
Rooftop View of Dali Old Town, Yunnan
Day Departure
1 Arrival in Dali
2 Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple, Dali Ancient Town, Erhai Lake Bike Ride, Flower Cake Making
3 Morning Market, Xizhou Village, Zhoucheng Tie-dye

Dali is the most poetic and laid-back spot of Yunnan. Whether you're strolling through the ancient Nanzhao and Dali capital of Dali Old Town, cycling along the scenic Erhai Lake, or diving into Bai culture in Xizhou Old Town, Dali has something special for you. Don't miss Zhoucheng for traditional tie-dye art! Dali's got it all!

Best Time to Visit Dali: Dali Weather, Climate & Travel Tips

Dali Attractions: Top 10 Things to Do & Places to Visit in Dali

How to Plan a Trip to Dali, Yunnan (2024/2025)

Shangri-La: Mythical Utopia

Idyllic Potatso National Park, Shangri-La
Idyllic Potatso National Park, Shangri-La
Explore Guishan Hill of Dukezong Ancient Town
Explore Guishan Hill of Dukezong Ancient Town
Day Attractions
1 Dukezong Ancient Town
2 Songzanlin Monastery, Pudacuo National Park, Tibetan Family Visit
3 Balagezong Grand Canyon, Bala Village, Echo Wall
4 Departure

Shangri-La, a name that conjures images of paradise, is nestled in the heart of Yunnan and lives up to its mythical reputation. This enchanting place offers a feast for the eyes with its snow-capped mountains, lush valleys, and serene lakes.

Delve into Tibetan culture by visiting the majestic Songzanlin Monastery, often called the "Little Potala Palace." Lose yourself in the pristine beauty of Pudacuo National Park, where nature’s splendor is on full display. And for the adventure seekers, don’t miss the awe-inspiring Tiger Leaping Gorge. Hiking through this dramatic canyon, with the roaring Jinsha River below and towering cliffs above, is an experience that will leave you breathless. View more Tiger Leaping Gorge Tour Packages >>

How to Plan a Trip to Shangri-La Yunnan? (10 Easy Steps)

Shangri-La Attractions: Things to Do & Places to Visit in Shangri-La

Xishuangbanna: Rainforests, Elephants, and Dai Ethnic Customs

Majestic Water Lilies at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
Majestic Water Lilies at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
The Manting Park, Xishuangbanna
The Manting Park, Xishuangbanna
Day Attractions
1 Arrival in Xishuangbanna
2 Tropical Botanical Garden, Manting Park and Zongfosi Temple
3 Wild Elephant Valley, Manzhang Dai Village
4 Departure

Xishuangbanna, in southern Yunnan, is a tropical paradise bursting with Dai Group culture and natural beauty. Stroll through the lush Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden and explore charming Dai villages with their unique stilted bamboo houses and vibrant festivals.

Don’t miss Manting Park, a serene former royal garden, or the Wild Elephant Valley, where you might see elephants roaming free. Enjoy the lively night markets, savoring delicious Dai cuisine and local delicacies.

Related Article:Xishuangbanna Attractions: Top 8 Things to Do in Xishuangbanna

Yunnan Itinerary 5-6 Days: From Kunming to Top Destination of Yunnan

For those with 5-6 days of vacation, exploring 1-2 of the top destinations in Yunnan is totally doable. Most travelers start in Kunming, checking out nearby gems like Dongchuan Red Land and Yuanyang Rice Terraces.

A popular itinerary includes Kunming plus another hotspot like Lijiang or Xishuangbanna. Combinations like Lijiang and Shangri-La or Dali and Lijiang are also big hits. If you're short on time, you can even plan a whirlwind tour of Kunming, Dali, and Lijiang.

Option 1: From Kunming to Top Attractions (For Photografie & Adventure)

See cloud sea over the Duoyishu Rice Terrace, Yuanyang
See cloud sea over the Duoyishu Rice Terrace, Yuanyang
Luoxiagou, Dongchuan Red Land
Luoxiagou, Dongchuan Red Land

The area around Kunming is a paradise for photographers and adventurers alike. Here, you can explore the stunning Dongchuan Red Land, known as "God's Palette," and the breathtaking Yuanyang Rice Terraces, both showcasing the beauty of nature and culture.

Dongchuan Red Land: Often called "God's Palette," this spectacular red-soil plateau offers a vivid contrast with green crops and bright blue skies, creating a stunning natural mosaic. From September to December, the rotating crops enhance the vibrant colors, making it a dreamland for photographers.

Yuanyang Rice Terraces: Famous for their intricately designed terraces, these are a testament to the ingenuity of the Hani people, who have sculpted the mountains into a massive, layered masterpiece. At dawn and dusk, the water-filled terraces reflect the sky’s light, enveloped in mist, creating a magical, otherworldly scene. During the flooding season, the mirror-like surfaces are perfect for capturing breathtaking photos and experiencing Hani culture. View more Yuanyang Rice Terraces Tour Packages >>

Here is a suggested itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival in Kunming

Day 2: Kunming Highlights Tour. (West Hill, Stone Forest)

Day 3: Transfer from Shilin to Honghe

Day 4: Adventure to Yuanyang Rice Terraces (Duoyishu Rice Terrace, Aichun Blue Rice Terrace, Azheke Mushroom Houses, Laohuzui Rice Terraces)

Day 5: Jianshui Ancient Town Tour. (Chaoyang Tower, Confucius Temple, Zhu Family Garden)

Day 6: Departure

Related Article:How to Get from Kunming to Yuanyang Rice Terraces?

Option 2: Lijiang Links Classic Yunnan Destinations

Shuhe Ancient Town, Lijiang
Shuhe Ancient Town, Lijiang
Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan
Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan

Lijiang is arguably Yunnan's hottest destination! Many time-crunched travelers love to pair Lijiang with another Yunnan gem, like Kunming, Shangri-La, or Dali. It’s like hitting two delightful birds with one stone!

Destinations Itineraries & Attractions
Kunming & Lijiang Day 1-2: Kunming (Stone Forest, Yuantong Temple, Green Lake Park)
Day 3-5: Lijiang (Lijiang Old Town, Yulong Snow Mountain, Shuhe Ancient Town, Baisha Murals)
Lijiang & Shangri-La Day 1-2: Lijiang  (Lijiang Old Town, Yulong Snow Mountain, Shuhe Ancient Town, Baisha Murals)
Day 3: Transfer (First Bend of the Yangtze River, Tiger Leaping Gorge)
Day 4-5: Shangri-La (Songzanlin Monastery, Pudacuo National Park, Tibetan Family Visit)
Dali & Lijiang Day 1-2: Dali (Three Pagodas, Dali Ancient Town, Erhai Lake, Xizhou Village)
Day 3: Shangxi Ancient Town and Lijiang Old Town
Day 4-5: Lijiang (Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Blue Moon Valley, Baisha Murals, Shuhe Ancient Town)

Option 3: Whirlwind Tour of Dali, Kunming, and Lijiang

A Panoramic View of Cuihu Park
A Panoramic View of Cuihu Park
Cruises on Erhai Lake
Cruises on Erhai Lake

Even if you're short on time, you can still conquer Kunming, Dali, and Lijiang in just 6 days! Give it a whirl and make the most of your adventure!

Day 1-2: Kunming Highlights Tour

Explore the Stone Forest, a World Heritage Site with unique karst formations and Yi culture. Visit Yuantong Temple, Kunming's oldest Guanyin Temple, featuring a unique "Downhill Temple" design. Stroll through Green Lake Park, known for its emerald waters, historical buildings, and vibrant local life.

Day 3-4: Travel to Dali

Take a high-speed train from Kunming to Dali. Visit the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple with their rich history and stunning architecture. Enjoy a leisurely bike ride along Erhai Lake, soaking in the scenic views and local culture. Return to your hotel in Dali.

Explore Xizhou Morning Market, try local snacks, and visit traditional Bai dwellings. Discover the tie-dye art of Zhoucheng Village. Head to Lijiang Old Town and Black Dragon Pond Park for more cultural immersion and picturesque views.

Day 5-6: Tour to Lijiang

Explore Jade Dragon Snow Mountain with a cable car ride to Spruce Meadow. Visit Blue Moon Valley with its stunning turquoise lakes. Discover Baisha Village's murals and Naxi culture. Stop at Shuhe Ancient Town for a tranquil experience and local snacks.

Yunnan Itinerary 7-12 Days: Classic & Yunnan Panorama Tour

Option 1: 8 Days Yunnan Tour (Classic Itinerary)

Iconic Three Pagodas Against the Sky
Iconic Three Pagodas Against the Sky
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang

An 8-day trip through Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, and Shangri-La is the ultimate Yunnan adventure! From Kunming’s Stone Forest to Lijiang’s Old Town, Dali’s Erhai Lake, and the mystical Shangri-La, you’ll hit all of Yunnan’s hottest spots. Get ready for an epic journey through the best of Yunnan!

Day 1-2: Kunming Highlights Tour

Kick off your Yunnan adventure in Kunming, the "Spring City." Visit the iconic Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site with stunning limestone formations. Stroll through the vibrant Green Lake Park where locals practice Tai Chi and dance. Explore the Yuantong Temple, Kunming's largest Buddhist temple, and marvel at its ancient architecture. Don’t miss the bustling Flowers and Birds Market for unique souvenirs and local snacks. End your day with a taste of Yunnan cuisine at a local restaurant.

Day 3-4: Explore Top Attractions of Dali

Head to Dali, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Wander through the charming streets of Dali Old Town, flanked by traditional Bai architecture. Visit the majestic Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple, a symbol of Dali’s history. Enjoy a serene boat ride on Erhai Lake, surrounded by mountains and dotted with quaint fishing villages. Discover the vibrant local culture at Xizhou Village, famous for its traditional Bai houses and colorful markets. Savor local delicacies and soak in Dali's laid-back vibe.

Day 5-6: Take a Tour to Lijiang

Arrive in Lijiang, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its well-preserved ancient town. Wander through the cobblestone streets of Lijiang Old Town, lined with charming shops and cafes. Visit the Black Dragon Pond Park for stunning views of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Explore the ancient murals at Baisha Village, offering a glimpse into Naxi culture. Take a leisurely stroll through Shuhe Ancient Town, a quieter alternative to Lijiang Old Town, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and local crafts.

Day 6-8: Adventure to Shangri-La

Journey to Shangri-La, a mystical land of stunning natural beauty and rich Tibetan culture. Visit the Songzanlin Monastery, the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Yunnan, often referred to as the "Little Potala Palace." Explore the breathtaking Pudacuo National Park, home to pristine lakes, lush meadows, and diverse wildlife. Wander through Dukezong Ancient Town, with its Tibetan-style architecture and prayer flags fluttering in the breeze. Experience the warm hospitality of the Tibetan people and immerse yourself in their unique traditions and way of life.

Option 2: Yunnan Panorama Tour (12 Days)

Marvel at Hani Minority people's unique farming system
Marvel at Hani Minority people's unique farming system
Jianshui Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Yunnan
Jianshui Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Yunnan

Got some extra time and an itch to explore Yunnan deeper? Consider planning a 10-12 day panoramic journey that covers all the top attractions in Yunnan. Perfect for anyone’s taste, this trip will let you experience Yunnan in all its glory. Pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

Day 1-2: Explore the Top Attractions of Kunming

Start your journey in Kunming by exploring the West Hill, home to the Dragon Gate and its intricate Taoist grottoes carved into the cliffs. Enjoy spectacular views over Dianchi Lake. Head to the Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where towering limestone formations create a surreal landscape. Stroll through the labyrinthine paths and marvel at the natural stone sculptures. Capture stunning photos and soak in the unique geology of this natural wonder.

Day 3-4: Yuanyang Rice Terraces Tour

Venture to Yuanyang to witness the breathtaking rice terraces. Start with the Bada Rice Terraces at sunset, where the reflections create a magical scene. Visit Duoyishu Rice Terrace at dawn for a mesmerizing sunrise. Explore the Aichun Blue Rice Terrace and its vibrant hues. Check out the unique Azheke Mushroom Houses, traditional Hani dwellings. Conclude with the Laohuzui Rice Terraces, known for their dramatic curves and layers. These terraces showcase the ingenuity and beauty of traditional agriculture.

Day 5-6: Jianshui Ancient Town Tour

Discover the charm of Jianshui Ancient Town, starting with the imposing Chaoyang Tower, a symbol of the town's history. Visit the Confucius Temple, the second largest in China, and admire its classical architecture. Wander through Zhu Family Garden, a beautiful Qing Dynasty mansion with intricate courtyards. Explore the Double Dragon Bridge, an ancient stone bridge with 17 arches. End your tour at Tuanshan Village, a well-preserved traditional village offering a glimpse into the region's rich cultural heritage.

Day 7-8: Enjoy the Laid-Back Atmosphere of Dali

Arrive in Dali and immerse yourself in its unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage. Visit the iconic Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple, standing tall against the Cangshan Mountains. Stroll through Dali Old Town, with its charming streets and traditional Bai architecture. Visit Erhai Lake, enjoying the serene waters and scenic views. Explore Xizhou Village, known for its vibrant morning market and traditional Bai houses. Savor local delicacies and experience the laid-back atmosphere of Dali.

Day 9-10: Lijiang Highlights Tour

Explore the enchanting Lijiang, starting with the ancient streets of Lijiang Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visit the picturesque Black Dragon Pond Park, offering stunning reflections of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Discover the ancient murals at Baisha Village, depicting Naxi culture and history. Wander through Shuhe Ancient Town, a quieter and less touristy alternative to Lijiang Old Town. Enjoy the tranquil atmosphere, local crafts, and traditional Naxi cuisine, making your Lijiang experience truly memorable.

Day 11-12: Shangri-La Tour

Conclude your Yunnan adventure in Shangri-La, a paradise of natural beauty and Tibetan culture. Visit the Songzanlin Monastery, the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Yunnan, often referred to as the "Little Potala Palace." Explore the stunning Pudacuo National Park, with its pristine lakes, meadows, and diverse wildlife. Wander through Dukezong Ancient Town, with its Tibetan-style architecture and rich history.

Extend Your Yunnan Itinerary

Lhasa Potala Palace
Lhasa Potala Palace
Beijing Mutianyu Great Wall
Beijing Mutianyu Great Wall

Enhance your Yunnan adventure by connecting it with other top Chinese destinations. Consider adding visits to Sichuan for giant pandas and Jiuzhaigou Valley, Tibet for the Potala Palace, vibrant Hong Kong, or the modern marvels of Shanghai. Explore Beijing’s Great Wall and Forbidden City, or delve into Xi’an to see the Terracotta Army. These destinations can be seamlessly integrated with your Yunnan trip, offering diverse experiences. Each extended itinerary can range from 10 to 16 days, showcasing the best of the cultural and natural treasures of China.

Related Article:How to Plan a Trip to Yunnan: 10 Easy Steps (2024/2025)

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Yunnan

Embark on a breathtaking journey to Yunnan with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and discover the province's stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. As a trusted travel partner with over a decade of experience in the region, AOT offers a wide range of customizable Yunnan tour packages tailored to meet the diverse interests of every traveler. Whether you're seeking a family adventure, a romantic escape, or an in-depth exploration of Yunnan's ethnic diversity and natural wonders, AOT has the expertise to craft the perfect itinerary for you.

Popular Destinations:

  • Kunming: The "Spring City" known for its pleasant climate and vibrant flowers.
  • Lijiang: A UNESCO World Heritage Site with a well-preserved ancient town.
  • Dali: Famous for its beautiful Erhai Lake and the ancient Bai culture.
  • Shangri-La: A gateway to Tibetan culture and stunning highland scenery.
  • Yuanyang Rice Terraces: Renowned for its spectacular rice terraces.
  • Xishuangbanna: Experience the tropical climate, rich biodiversity, and the unique Dai culture, including attractions like the Wild Elephant Valley and tropical rainforests.
  • Tiger Leaping Gorge: One of the deepest gorges in the world, offering breathtaking views and thrilling hiking trails along the Jinsha River.
  • Jianshui: A historic town known for its ancient architecture, including the well-preserved Jianshui Confucian Temple and the beautiful Zhu Family Garden.

Tour Packages:

Start planning your dream vacation today with Asia Odyssey Travel and experience the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Yunnan. Contact us to begin your journey.

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