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Dali Attractions: Top 10 Things to Do & Places to Visit in Dali

Written by Celine Schneider|Updated: 2024-06-26

Dali (大理) has always been hailed as one of the hottest destinations in China. It's a fantastic place to visit all year round, offering a plethora of activities and attractions in Dali. With a history spanning over 500 years, it was once the capital of the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms and remains a political, economic, and cultural hub in the Yunnan region.

No doubt, the ancient city and ancient towns take center stage when exploring Dali's rich history. The scenic wonders of Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake will inspire you, whether you seek tranquility or crave thrilling adventures. Don't miss out on the captivating Buddhist relics like the Three Pagodas, Chongsheng Temple, and Jizu Mountain. Immerse yourself in the local charm as you encounter the well-preserved Bai ethnic dwellings, traditional craftsmanship, and mouthwatering local cuisine.

Dali boasts an array of awe-inspiring attractions that draw countless tourists to this city. If Dali, Yunnan, is on your travel bucket list but you're unsure where to begin, here's a handy guide to the top-notch attractions and things to do in Dali!

Content Preview

  • triangleNo.1 Stroll through the Dali Ancient Town
  • triangleNo.2 Cycle around the Erhai Lake
  • triangleNo.3 Discover Bai Minority Life in Xizhou Ancient Town
  • triangleNo.4 Visit the iconic Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple
  • triangleNo.5 Enjoy the Best Views of Dali from Cangshan Mountain
  • triangleNo.6 Take a Day Trip to Shaxi Ancient Town
  • triangleNo.7 Experience Traditional Tie-Dye in Zhoucheng Village
  • triangleNo.8 Witness the Enchanting Sunset at Shuanglang
  • triangleNo.9 DIY Fresh Flower Pastries in Dali
  • triangleNo.10 Join the March Fair Festival
  • triangleMore Attractions of Dali, Yunnan
  • triangleHow to Plan a Dali Tour with Top Attractions
  • triangleTravel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Dali, Yunnan

No.1 Stroll through the Dali Ancient Town

Historic Charm of Dali Ancient Town, Yunnan
Historic Charm of Dali Ancient Town, Yunnan
Giant Wather Lilies at  Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
Giant Wather Lilies at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

Dali Ancient Town isn't just another stop on your Yunnan itinerary, it's a superstar! This city was once the kingpin of the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms, and its streets are lined with the souvenirs of that epic past – architectural stunners, a funky street layout, and a cultural heritage that'll knock your socks off. It was the political, economic, and cultural heartthrob of southwest China, no big deal.

The best way to experience Dali Ancient Town these days? Ditch the map and get lost in its magic! Wander down the old-school streets and soak up the ancient vibes of the buildings. The main drags like People's Road, Fuxing Road, and Foreigner Street are buzzing with life and perfect for snagging some souvenirs. But if you veer off the beaten path and explore the hidden alleyways like Yuer Road and Bo'ai Road, you'll stumble upon a whole other side of Dali - the one where locals live their lives and the city's true spirit shines.

Sure, some of the buildings have been given a makeover over the years, but the city gates (especially the Southern Gate) and the impressive Wenxian Building still ooze historical charm. And for the ultimate brag-worthy moment, climb the iconic Wuhua Building.  The panoramic view of the entire ancient city sprawled out before you?  Worth it.

Things to Do in Dali Ancient City

  1. Indulge in regional specialties like crossing-the-bridge noodles (mixian) in a cozy teahouse, or savor fresh fish from Erhai Lake at a lakeside restaurant.
  2. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the Bai people at the Dali Museum.
  3. Explore Dali Ancient Town's Enchanting Night on Renmin Road
  4. Revel in the Bai March Fair's Lively Atmosphere

No.2 Cycle around the Erhai Lake

Erhai Lake Cycling Trail
Erhai Lake Cycling Trail
Nature Ride Around Erhai Lake
Nature Ride Around Erhai Lake

Dali boasts many stars, but none shine quite as bright as Erhai Lake (洱海). Nicknamed for its resemblance to a giant ear, this legendary lake, one of China's most famous, stretches a cool 126 kilometers around. The scenic route that hugs its shores has become a haven for adventurous souls, and there's no better way to devour its beauty than from the saddle of a bicycle.

Pedaling along the glassy surface of the lake, the majestic Cangshan Mountains mirrored perfectly in its depths. Breathe in the crisp, clean air of this high-altitude paradise, the tranquility and grandeur of Erhai Lake washing over you like a warm wave. It's a scene straight out of a dream.

The full loop around the lake takes roughly 6 to 8 hours, making it an epic day trip or a chill two-day adventure in Yunnan. Pressed for time? No worries! You can explore specific sections, like the picturesque Erhai Ecological Corridor, or choose the western or eastern route for a taste of this unforgettable experience.

Your Erhai Lake Cycling Will be Like

Day 1: Dali Ancient City - Longkan Pier - Cai Village - Xizhou Village - Haishe Park - Zhoucheng Village Day 2:  Shuanglang Town - Wase Town - Jinsuo Island - Haixi Village Highway - Dali Old City

No.3 Discover Bai Minority Life in Xizhou Ancient Town

Daily Life at Xizhou Morning Market
Daily Life at Xizhou Morning Market
Yan Family Compound at Xizhou Village
Yan Family Compound at Xizhou Village

Dali's allure goes way beyond the stunning Erhai Lake. Head west of the lake, and you'll stumble upon Xizhou Ancient Town (喜洲古镇), a hidden gem bursting with the vibrant Bai ethnic culture. Time seems to slow down here, and traditions are carefully preserved, giving you a glimpse of an unspoiled world untouched by modern influences.

The real highlight of Xizhou Ancient Town is its remarkably well-preserved Bai traditional houses. With over a hundred buildings dating back to the Ming Dynasty, this place is like a living "Bai Ethnic Architecture Museum." Make sure not to miss the iconic Yan Family Courtyard, where you can admire the layout of "three lanes and one zhaobi" and "four houses with five courtyards," along with stunning wood carvings, stone inscriptions, and colorful murals that define Bai architecture.

But Xizhou Ancient Town is not just about architecture; it's a gateway to experiencing the Bai people's daily life. Rise early, join the bustling morning market, and savor the flavors of the three-course tea and Xizhou Baba, a delightful local treat. Wander through the town's Four Square Street, catching glimpses of Bai locals going about their daily routines, their vibrant attire adding a splash of color to the scene.

No.4 Visit the iconic Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple

Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple
Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple
Reflections of the Three Pagodas
Reflections of the Three Pagodas

Dali's got its signature - the Three Pagodas, also known as Chongsheng Temple Three Pagodas. These towering marvels have been on every Dali brochure for ages. The ancient guards stood tall for over a thousand years near the mighty Cangshan Mountains. Their reflections shimmer on Erhai Lake, whispering stories from the past.

And right next to them stands Chongsheng Temple, once the royal sanctuary of the Dali Kingdom. It's where nine emperors relinquished their crowns to become monks, adding to the intrigue.

But that's not all. Back in the day, Chongsheng Temple housed a whopping 10,000 Buddhist scriptures and radiated Buddhism's light across Southeast Asia. The Three Pagodas aren't just symbols – they're Dali's very soul, a cultural compass that's guided the city for centuries. So, if you're after history, spirituality, and timeless beauty, the Three Pagodas of Dali are where you need to be.

Things to do in Three Pagodas and Chongsheng Temple

  1. Discover the three iconic pagodas - Qianzhu Pagoda, Wanshou Pagoda, and Wenchang Pagoda. Each has its unique style and story.
  2. While much of the original temple complex is gone, explore the remaining structures and delve into the history of this important Buddhist center during the Nanzhao Kingdom.
  3. The Three Pagodas are a photographer's dream. Capture their beauty at the Three Pagodas Reflection Park and Juying Pool, especially during sunrise or sunset.
  4. Climb to the highest point of Chongsheng Temple and enjoy the magnificent panoramic view of the entire complex, Erhai Lake, and the surrounding scenery from A'cuo Ye Guanyin Pavilion.

No.5 Enjoy the Best Views of Dali from Cangshan Mountain

Cangshan Mountain, Dali
Cangshan Mountain, Dali
Cangshan Mountain Cableway, Dali
Cangshan Mountain Cableway, Dali

Cangshan Mountain (苍山), one of Dali's most iconic attractions, is renowned for its stunning scenery, including the snow-capped Cangshan Snow, one of the "Four Wonders of Dali." With its 19 majestic peaks and a breathtaking elevation difference of 2,100 meters from Erhai Lake, Cangshan offers a landscape masterpiece.

Take a ride on the Ximatan Cableway, the longest in China, for panoramic views of Erhai Lake and the Cangshan peaks. Ximatan, the mountain's crown jewel, provides an exceptional vantage point, especially in spring when highland azaleas bloom.

For hiking in Yunnan, the 13.5-kilometer Yudaiyun Tourist Trail winds through lush forests, past ancient temples like Jizhao An and Gantong Temple, showcasing the harmonious blend of nature and history.

Related Article:Yunnan Mountains: 10 Most Beautiful Mountains in Yunnan (2024)

No.6 Take a Day Trip to Shaxi Ancient Town

Yujin Bridge  at Shaxi Ancient Town
Yujin Bridge at Shaxi Ancient Town
Shaxi Ancient Town
Shaxi Ancient Town

If you're up for a peaceful stroll in a place untouched by crowds and want to immerse yourself in the ancient vibes of China, then Sandxi Ancient Town (沙溪古镇) is a must-visit. Located around 205 kilometers from Dali, this historic town boasts over 700 years of history and once thrived as a bustling trading hub along the Tea Horse Ancient Road.

Take a leisurely walk through the town and admire its signature yellow rammed-earth houses. You'll feel like you've returned to the Ming and Qing dynasties, thanks to the well-preserved ancient temples, opera stage, streets, residential buildings, stone bridges, and town gates.

Make sure not to miss the Friday market, the only remaining market on the Tea Horse Ancient Road. Here, locals dressed in traditional attire sell a variety of preserved delicacies like dried tofu and mushrooms. You might even come across vendors offering fresh goat cheese or selling their cut hair!

And don't forget to visit the ancient Yujin Bridge, situated across from Sandxi Town's east gate. This Qing Dynasty gem carries the weight of history and the footprints of countless travelers. Capture the magical atmosphere, especially during misty mornings, as it's a favorite moment for many photography enthusiasts.

No.7 Experience Traditional Tie-Dye in Zhoucheng Village

Exploring Bai Tie-dye in Zhoucheng Village
Exploring Bai Tie-dye in Zhoucheng Village
Craft your own tie-dye fabric
Craft your own tie-dye fabric

This is one of the most popular activities in Dali! Why not join in and learn more about the art of tie-dyeing? Zhoucheng Village (周城村), located on the western side of Dali Old Town, is one of the birthplaces of the Bai ethnic traditional tie-dyeing art. This technique, which involves binding and dyeing fabric, can create intricate and exquisite patterns.

Skilled artisans in the village patiently teach visitors the methods of tying and dyeing, allowing you to personally experience the charm of this traditional handicraft. In just a short hands-on session, you can create unique and beautiful items like silk scarves and handkerchiefs.

No.8 Witness the Enchanting Sunset at Shuanglang

The sunset views in Shuanglang, Dali, are considered incomparable in their beauty and are a must-visit for travelers and photography enthusiasts. Located on the northeastern shore of Erhai Lake, with Cangshan Mountain as its backdrop and facing the lake, Shuanglang offers a mesmerizing display of light and shadows during sunset. The sky and water create a stunning interplay of colors, transitioning from golden to orange-red and eventually deep blue.

In Shuanglang, you'll find restaurants and cafes that have designated viewing areas, such as the "Shi Nei Tao Yuan Sunset Restaurant." Here, you can enjoy delicious food of Yunnan while taking in the picturesque sunset over Erhai Lake. If you're lucky, you might even spot flocks of seagulls soaring through the sky, adding a touch of romance and liveliness to the scene.

For a more serene and intimate sunset experience, you can explore lesser-known viewpoints like Wase. These hidden gems offer fewer crowds and breathtaking beauty, allowing you to savor the tranquility and beauty of the sunset in a more private setting.

No.9 DIY Fresh Flower Pastries in Dali

Yunnan Flower Cake Making
Yunnan Flower Cake Making
Yunnan Flower Cake Making
Yunnan Flower Cake Making

One of the must-do cultural activities in Dali is learning to make fresh flower pastries, a unique local tradition that combines the region's vibrant flowers with delicate baking techniques.

As a visitor, you can immerse yourself in the process of creating these edible floral treats. With the guidance of experienced local instructors, you'll learn how to choose the freshest flowers, prepare the petals correctly, and skillfully incorporate them into soft and buttery pastry dough. Alongside hands-on practice, you'll also have the opportunity to purchase a variety of pre-made flower pastries to take home with you.

Related Article:Yunnan Food: 15 Delicious Yunnan Cuisines You’ll Love

No.10 Join the March Fair Festival

One of the most vibrant and culturally significant events in Dali is the annual March Fair Festival (三月街), a centuries-old tradition that draws visitors from far and wide.

The March Fair takes place every year in the third lunar month, typically falling in late March or early April. During this lively 15-day festival, the streets of Dali Old Town come alive with bustling market stalls, traditional performances, and the energy of local Bai, Yi, and other minority communities.

At the heart of the March Fair is an expansive outdoor market where vendors from across Yunnan and beyond gather to sell their wares. You'll find an incredible array of handicrafts, clothing, accessories, agricultural products, and local specialties like Dali ham, cheese, and the famous Erhai lake fish. It's the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the region's rich cultural heritage and do some unique souvenir shopping.

Beyond the bustling market, the March Fair also features a rich program of traditional song and dance performances, folk rituals, and cultural exhibitions. Witness the graceful Bai minority dance troupes, listen to the soulful melodies of local musicians, and learn about ancient customs and beliefs that have endured for generations.

More Attractions of Dali, Yunnan

Nanzhao Folk Island

This island, located in the heart of Erhai Lake, is a top attraction for those wanting to immerse themselves in the rich culture of the Nanzhao Kingdom, the ancient kingdom that once ruled Dali. Explore temples, pagodas, and traditional Nanzhao houses, and enjoy performances of folk music and dance.

Weishan Old Town

Also known as the Nanzhao Ancient City, Weishan was the early capital of the Nanzhao Kingdom. With its well-preserved architecture, including the ancient city walls, gates, and traditional Bai minority houses, Weishan offers a glimpse into the long and fascinating history of Dali. Don't miss the Nanzhao Museum, which houses a collection of artifacts from the Nanzhao Kingdom.

Jizu Mountain

Jizu Mountain is a sacred destination in Yunnan, China, known for its ancient temples, monasteries, and hiking trails. It is home to Jia Ye Bodhisattva and features notable sites like the Jinding Temple, Huayan Temple, and Xuyun Temple. Visitors can explore the Muxiangping Ancient Path and immerse themselves in the spiritual atmosphere while surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, including terraced fields, bamboo forests, and panoramic views from the summit.

The mountain offers picturesque scenery throughout the year, attracting photographers to capture its beauty. From the peak, visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of Erhai Lake, Dali's ancient city, and the surrounding mountain ranges, especially during sunrise when the golden sunlight adds to the awe-inspiring vista.

How to Plan a Dali Tour with Top Attractions

Birdwatching by Erhai Lake
Birdwatching by Erhai Lake
Dali Lies Between Cangshan Mountains and Erhai Lak
Dali Lies Between Cangshan Mountains and Erhai Lak

A well-rounded tour of Dali typically requires around 3-4 days. This allows you to experience the key attractions without feeling rushed and to immerse yourself in the local culture and scenery.

Three-Day Itinerary for Dali

Day 1: Explore Dali Ancient Town and Three Pagodas

Dali Ancient Town: Begin your journey in Dali Ancient Town, renowned for its well-preserved architecture and vibrant atmosphere. Wander through the ancient streets, visit local shops, and enjoy the traditional Bai cuisine at local restaurants.

Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple: Visit the iconic Three Pagodas, one of the most famous landmarks of Dali. Explore the temple complex and enjoy the serene environment and historical significance of this site.

Day 2: Discover Erhai Lake and Xizhou Ancient Town

Erhai Lake: Spend the day exploring the picturesque Erhai Lake. Take a boat ride to appreciate the lake’s beauty and the surrounding mountain views. Cycle along the lakeside paths, stopping at charming villages along the way.

Xizhou Ancient Town: Visit Xizhou Ancient Town, known for its traditional Bai architecture and vibrant morning market. Explore the Yan Family Courtyard and learn about the local culture and history.

Day 3: Visit Shaxi Ancient Town and Shuanglang Village

Shaxi Ancient Town: Take a day trip to Shaxi Ancient Town, a well-preserved trading post on the Ancient Tea Horse Road. Explore the Sideng Market Square, ancient temples, and the surrounding countryside.

Shuanglang Village: End your day in Shuanglang Village, a scenic spot along Erhai Lake known for its artistic vibe and beautiful views. Enjoy the local art studios and lakeside cafes.

Related Article:How to Plan a Trip to Dali, Yunnan (2024/2025)

Extending Your Journey to Other Yunnan Destinations

Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang
Black Dragon Pond Park, Lijiang

To fully embrace the diversity and beauty of Yunnan, consider extending your journey to include other notable destinations such as Kunming, Lijiang, and Shangri-La.

Kunming (1-2 days)

In Kunming, the capital of Yunnan, a visit to the UNESCO-listed Stone Forest reveals impressive limestone formations that have been shaped over millennia. Green Lake Park offers a serene environment for a leisurely walk, where you can observe local activities and enjoy the lush scenery. The Yunnan Ethnic Village provides an opportunity to learn about the diverse ethnic groups of the region, showcasing their unique cultures and traditions.

Lijiang (2-3 days)

Lijiang is renowned for its well-preserved ancient town. Wandering through the cobblestone streets of Lijiang Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, immerses you in a rich historical atmosphere. Black Dragon Pool offers stunning views of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a must-see for its breathtaking scenery. A trip to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain itself provides cultural insights into the Naxi people, adding depth to your understanding of the region’s heritage.

Shangri-La (2-3 days)

In Shangri-La, the grand Songzanlin Monastery, often referred to as the "Little Potala Palace," stands as a testament to Tibetan Buddhism. Pudacuo National Park showcases pristine lakes, meadows, and forests, making it a haven for nature lovers. Dukezong Ancient Town offers a fascinating glimpse into Tibetan culture and history, with its ancient architecture and vibrant local life.

Optional Destinations:

Yuanyang Rice Terraces (1-2 days): The Yuanyang Rice Terraces are a marvel of traditional agricultural engineering, with breathtaking landscapes that have been sculpted by the Hani people over centuries. The terraces provide stunning views and a deep dive into traditional farming practices.

Xishuangbanna (2-3 days): Xishuangbanna is known for its tropical climate and rich biodiversity. The Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden features a diverse array of plant species, while visits to Dai minority villages offer an immersive experience of their unique culture and traditions.

Related Article:How to Plan a Trip to Yunnan: 10 Easy Steps (2024/2025)

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Dali, Yunnan

Travel to Dali with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and immerse yourself in the captivating beauty and rich culture of Yunnan. As a trusted travel partner with over a decade of experience in the region, AOT offers a wide range of customizable Dali tour packages to cater to the preferences of every traveler. Whether you're seeking a family adventure, a romantic getaway, or a deep dive into the history of Dali and Bai minority culture, AOT has the expertise to create the perfect itinerary for you.

Popular Attractions: Ancient Dali Town, Three Pagodas, Erhai Lake, Xizhou Village

Tour Packages: Dali Tour, Kunming Dali Tours

Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Asia Odyssey Travel and explore the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Dali. Contact us today to start planning your dream vacation.

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