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Xishuangbanna Attractions: Top 8 Things to Do in Xishuangbanna

Written by Celine Schneider|Updated: 2024-06-27

Xishuangbanna (西双版纳) is one of the most enchanting destinations in southern Yunnan. With its dense rainforests, thrilling Water Splashing Festival, traditional Dai culture, and gentle elephants, Xishuangbanna offers a wealth of top attractions and unforgettable experiences.

Explore traditional villages and experience local festivals to dive deep into the heart of Dai culture. Nature lovers will be in awe of the stunning scenery at the Tropical Botanical Garden and the captivating Wild Elephant Valley. Don't miss the serene beauty of the Mekong River and the historical charm of Manting Park. The vibrant night markets and unique culinary delights of Xishuangbanna will tantalize your senses, making every moment an adventure.

For those planning a trip to this tropical paradise but unsure where to start, here's a comprehensive guide to the top attractions and things to do in Xishuangbanna!

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  • triangleNo.1 Visit the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
  • triangleNo.2 Stroll Through Manting Park
  • triangleNo.3 Explore the Wild Elephant Valley (Gajah Liar Valley)
  • triangleNo.4 Immerse Yourself in the Water-Splashing Festival
  • triangleNo.5 Visit the Dai Minority Park in Xishuangbanna
  • triangleNo.6 Explore Manjiang Village: A Living Museum of Dai Culture
  • triangleNo.7 Tour the Jinghong City Night Market: Gaozhuang Night Market & Jiangbian Night Market
  • triangleNo.8 Taste the Delicacies of Xishuangbanna
  • triangleHow to Plan a Xishuangbanna Trip with Top Attractions

No.1 Visit the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

Also known as the Chinese Academy of Sciences Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), this garden is a must-visit for anyone traveling to Yunnan. Established in 1959, it is one of the largest and most comprehensive botanical gardens of China, covering about 1,100 hectares. XTBG is perfect for nature lovers, conservation enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the unique biodiversity of tropical plants. Its engaging educational programs make it a popular destination for family trips in Yunnan and school tour.

Giant Wather Lilies at  Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
Giant Wather Lilies at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
"Strangler Figs” Phenomenon at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

West Zone of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

The West Zone of XTBG is famous for its beautiful landscapes and is one of the most visited areas in the garden. Among its key attractions are the giant water lilies, which float serenely on the water and are impressive enough to hold the weight of a child.

Towering palm trees reach for the sky, creating a majestic sight, while clusters of trees, like the strangler fig, form their unique forests. Orchids gracefully cling to trees, creating an enchanting "sky garden" effect.

East Zone of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

The East Zone of the botanical garden is huge and focuses on tropical rainforest landscapes. Here, you can admire diverse and picturesque rock formations and lush rainforest scenery. It's the main area for educational activities, where guides lead you through the rainforest, teaching about banyan trees, and tropical plants, and finding water sources in the wild. It's both fun and educational!

Visit Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden Nights

Firefly at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
Firefly at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
"Single Tree Forming a Forest" at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

Night tours in XTBG are particularly popular during the summer. Fireflies light up the gardens, creating a magical, dream-like atmosphere. The best places to see fireflies are the Hundred Flowers Garden, the South Medicine Garden, and the Wild Edible Plant Garden.

How to Visit Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

XTBG is about 60 km from Jinghong, roughly a one-hour drive. Plan to spend the whole day exploring both the West and East Zones. You can walk or take a sightseeing bus in the West Zone. For the larger East Zone, it’s best to use the garden’s sightseeing bus to cover more ground efficiently.

No.2 Stroll Through Manting Park

Manting Park (曼听花园), known as "Chunhuan Park" in the Dai language, is the oldest park in the region, boasting over 1,300 years of history. Located in the heart of Jinghong, Xishuangbanna, it is a must-visit for anyone exploring the area. Once a royal garden for Dai kings, the park allows visitors to explore royal architecture, including the former palace and royal gardens.

White Pagoda at the Manting Park, Xishuangbanna
White Pagoda at the Manting Park, Xishuangbanna
The Manting Park, Xishuangbanna
The Manting Park, Xishuangbanna

Top Attractions of Manting Park

Manfeilong White Pagoda: This iconic structure is one of the highlights of Manting Park. With its typical Dai Buddhist architectural features, the pagoda stands over 20 meters tall. It extends from the shore into the lake, creating a unique waterside view that is both serene and picturesque.

Zongfosi Temple: Zongfosi Temple, located within Manting Park, is one of the most important and revered Buddhist temples in the region. Here, you can explore the temple's golden pagoda, Buddha statues, and prayer hall, enjoying a serene and spiritual journey.

Aside from the scheduled performances, Manting Park offers various other attractions and activities. The Peacock Garden allows visitors to see these majestic birds up close, while the Dai Ethnic Cultural Village showcases traditional Dai architecture and craftsmanship. The serene Manting Lake offers leisurely boat rides, providing a tranquil escape amidst the natural beauty of the park.

Cultural Activities in the Park

Manting Park offers a variety of cultural performances throughout the day, giving visitors a taste of the local traditions and entertainment. Here are some of the main shows:

  • Zhangha Chunhuan Performance: Held at Zhangha Pavilion at 11:00 AM.
  • Parrot Show: Taking place in Parrot Paradise at 9:50 AM, 12:00 PM, and 3:40 PM.
  • Elephant Show: Held at the Royal Elephant Pavilion at 10:30 AM, 2:50 PM, and 4:30 PM.

“Lancang-Mekong Night" Cultural Performance

One of the park's most distinctive attractions is the "Lancang-Mekong Night" cultural performance, which features a vibrant showcase of cultural elements from the Lancang-Mekong region's six countries. The performance includes traditional dances and customs from various ethnic groups in Yunnan, such as the Dai, Jino, Blang, Lahu, Yao, and Hani peoples. Accompanied by a bonfire party, this event immerses visitors in a rich, ethnic atmosphere, making for an unforgettable night. View Yunnan Ethnic Minority Tour Packages >>

No.3 Explore the Wild Elephant Valley (Gajah Liar Valley)

Deep within the Xishuangbanna lies a place where nature reigns supreme - Wild Elephant Valley. This enchanting sanctuary offers a unique opportunity to witness the majestic Asian elephants in their natural habitat. Here, you can track elephant footprints and even have close encounters with these incredible creatures.

Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley
Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley
The Elevated Observation Walkway at Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley
The Elevated Observation Walkway at Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley

Things to Do in Wild Elephant Valley

Ride the Rainforest Sightseeing Cable Car: Hop on the thrilling cable car that takes you through the rainforest canopy, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the lush valley below. The cable car route stretches about 2 kilometers and the ride lasts about 30-40 minutes, providing an excellent bird's-eye view. If you're lucky, you might spot elephants roaming beneath you.

Hike the Elevated Viewing Path: This path is built near ponds where elephants love to play and forage, making it one of the best spots to observe them. The trail is divided into two sections: the first segment runs from the Aviary Park to the Asian Elephant Museum, and the second segment, which is 1,360 meters long, extends from the museum to the Elephant Viewing Platform. The second segment's viewing platform overlooks a waterhole frequented by wild elephants for drinking and bathing.

How to Visit Wild Elephant Valley

Wild Elephant Valley is about a 31-kilometer drive (roughly 40 minutes) from downtown Jinghong, Xishuangbanna. Elephants are said to be most active in the early morning, so it's best to arrive at the park early. February to March is the elephants' mating season, during which they are more active, increasing your chances of spotting them. While the thrill of seeing wild elephants is undeniable, it's important to manage your expectations. The elephants have ample space to roam within the vast sanctuary, so sightings are not guaranteed.

No.4 Immerse Yourself in the Water-Splashing Festival

The Water-Splashing Festival, known as "Songkran" in the Dai language, is one of the most lively and eagerly anticipated festivals in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. Held annually in mid-April, this festival marks the traditional New Year for the Dai people and symbolizes purification and renewal.

On the first day of the festival, people wake up early to gather fresh flowers and leaves, which they then offer at the temples. They also bathe Buddha statues with clean water to purify their minds and pray for happiness and well-being in the coming year. In the evening, the Dai people create homemade fireworks called "Gaosheng." They fill bamboo tubes with gunpowder and launch them into the sky, symbolizing the sending away of bad luck and illness, and hoping for a prosperous ascent in life.

During the festival, locals and visitors alike take to the streets to splash water on each other. This practice is believed to wash away bad luck and bring blessings for the new year. The atmosphere is joyous, with everyone participating in the water-splashing festivities, turning the entire city into a vibrant and colorful scene.

Experiencing the Water-Splashing Festival in Xishuangbanna is unforgettable. It's a time when the rich traditions of the Dai people come to life, offering a unique glimpse into their vibrant culture.

No.5 Visit the Dai Minority Park in Xishuangbanna

Dai Minority Park, also known as Dai Garden, is the most popular Dai-themed park in Xishuangbanna. It consists of five well-preserved natural Dai villages: Manchunman, Manting, Manjiang, Manzha, and Mangga. Here, you can experience Dai culture, explore the villages, visit pagodas, and enjoy cultural performances. There are also daily water-splashing activities.Things to Do in Dai Minority Park

Explore Manchunman Temple: Manchunman Temple is one of the oldest temples in Xishuangbanna, with a history of over 1,400 years. The highlight of the temple is its golden pagoda.

Visit Dai Villages: Ganlanba is home to five Dai villages, with Manchunman (Flower Village) and Manting (Fruit Village) being the largest. Together, these villages have around 300 households. The residents are hospitable and still maintain their traditional way of life. Everywhere you go, you can see typical pagodas, stilted bamboo houses, and tropical fruits.

Participate in Water-Splashing Activities: To give visitors a deeper understanding of Dai culture, two water-splashing activities are held daily at the park's Water-Splashing Plaza. Join in this joyful celebration and experience a fun and relaxing event!

Watch Dai Folk Performances: The park offers Dai song and dance performances, including the Peacock Dance, Elephant Dance, Fish Dance, and Hat Dance. The Peacock Dance, in particular, is a must-see performance known for its grace and beauty.

How to Visit Dai Minority Park

Dai Minority Park is located in the Ganlanba area, about 28 kilometers from Jinghong city center. Since the park covers a large area, it is recommended to take a sightseeing bus to get around. The park is open year-round, but visiting during the cooler months (October to March) is more comfortable. If you want to experience the Water-Splashing Festival in Xishuangbanna, plan your visit for mid-April.

No.6 Explore Manjiang Village: A Living Museum of Dai Culture

 Manzhang Dai Village, Xishuangbanna
Manzhang Dai Village, Xishuangbanna
The Handmade Paper Making at Manzhang Dai Village
The Handmade Paper Making at Manzhang Dai Village

Manzhang Village in Xishuangbanna, a pristine Dai village with over 500 years of history, offers an immersive experience into Dai culture, allowing you to explore their rich heritage and traditional way of life. As you stroll through the village, you'll find traditional stilted bamboo houses and tidy streets lined with flowers and fruits.

Often described as a "living museum of Dai culture," Manzhang Village showcases various Dai handicrafts, including handmade paper, slow-wheel pottery, and traditional weaving. You can participate in their intangible cultural heritage activities to gain firsthand knowledge of their arts and crafts.

No.7 Tour the Jinghong City Night Market: Gaozhuang Night Market & Jiangbian Night Market

Jinghong City in Xishuangbanna is home to several vibrant night markets, each offering a unique and memorable experience. Among the most popular are the Gaozhuang Night Market and the Jiangban Night Market. These bustling markets provide an excellent opportunity to delve into local culture, savor diverse cuisines, and shop for unique crafts.

The Starlight Night Market, Xishuangbanna
The Starlight Night Market, Xishuangbanna
The Mekong River Six-Country Floating Market
The Mekong River Six-Country Floating Market

Gaozhuang Night Market (告庄夜市)

Gaozhuang Starlight Night Market is often hailed as "the most beautiful night market in Xishuangbanna." It brings together creative vendors from across the Mekong River region, including Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and various parts of China. This market offers a shopping and dining experience rich with exotic flavors. Opening in the evening, the market is adorned with colorful lights and umbrellas, creating a unique and inviting atmosphere that draws many visitors eager to explore.

Riverside Night Market (江边夜市)

For those seeking a more local vibe, the Riverside Night Market is an excellent choice. Nestled along the banks of the Lancang River, this market offers a perfect blend of delicious food in Yunnan and scenic beauty. As night falls, you can indulge in a variety of barbecue delights while enjoying the cool and pleasant tropical evening by the riverside. The market specializes in grilled dishes, featuring everything from fish and meat skewers to tropical fruits. You'll also find a variety of authentic Dai snacks and drinks, making it a must-visit for a taste of local flavors. View China Food Tour Packages >>

No.8 Taste the Delicacies of Xishuangbanna

Xishuangbanna, located in the southern part of Yunnan Province, is not only known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage but also its diverse and flavorful cuisine. The local dishes are heavily influenced by Dai ethnic traditions and the tropical climate, making for a unique culinary experience.

Dai-Style Hand Pilaf, Flavors of Xishuangbanna
Dai-Style Hand Pilaf, Flavors of Xishuangbanna
Dai-Style Hand Pilaf - Flavors of Xishuangbanna
Dai-Style Hand Pilaf - Flavors of Xishuangbanna

Dai Style Hand Pilaf (傣族手抓饭)

Dai Style Hand Pilaf is a traditional delicacy of the Dai people in Xishuangbanna, known for its rich flavors and communal dining style. Served on clean banana leaves, it includes various types of rice (white, purple, and sticky) and an assortment of meat and vegetarian dishes, often centered around a main dish like spicy chicken. Diners use their hands to form small balls of rice and accompaniments from a large communal plate, embodying the communal spirit of the Dai people.

Grilled Fish (香茅草烤鱼)

One of the must-try dishes in Xishuangbanna is grilled fish. Freshly caught from local rivers, the fish is marinated with a blend of herbs and spices, then grilled to perfection over an open flame. The result is a smoky, fragrant dish that's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Sticky Rice in Bamboo (竹筒饭)

Sticky rice in bamboo is a traditional Dai dish that showcases the region's ingenuity. Glutinous rice is mixed with various ingredients like beans, peanuts, or coconut milk, then stuffed into bamboo tubes and steamed. The bamboo infuses the rice with a subtle, aromatic flavor, making it a delightful snack or side dish.

Related Article:Yunnan Food: 15 Delicious Yunnan Cuisines You’ll Love

How to Plan a Xishuangbanna Trip with Top Attractions

Planning a trip to Xishuangbanna? Get ready to immerse yourself in the rich culture and stunning landscapes of this unique region. Over 3-4 days, you'll experience the highlights, including the Wild Elephant Valley, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Manting Park, and traditional Dai villages.

Additionally, a trip from Kunming to Xishuangbanna is also popular, allowing you to experience the highlights of both places in about 5-6 days.

Here's your perfect itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival in Kunming

Day 2: Stone Forest and Travel to Xishuangbanna. Start your day with a visit to the Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site featuring spectacular limestone formations. Afterward, return to Kunming and board a high-speed train to Xishuangbanna. Upon arrival, check into your hotel and relax, preparing for the adventures ahead.

Day 3: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden and Manting Park. Explore Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, home to an extensive collection of rare plants and beautiful landscapes. Visit Manting Park, the oldest park in Xishuangbanna, where you can enjoy the gardens, temples, and cultural performances.

Day 4: Wild Elephant Valley and Manzhang Dai Village. Visit the Wild Elephant Valley in the morning to observe elephants in their natural habitat and enjoy the lush surroundings. Head to Manzhang Dai Village to experience traditional Dai culture, architecture, and crafts.

Day 5: Departure

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Yunnan

Embark on a breathtaking journey to Yunnan with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and discover the province's stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. As a trusted travel partner with over a decade of experience in the region, AOT offers a wide range of customizable Yunnan tour packages tailored to meet the diverse interests of every traveler. Whether you're seeking a family adventure, a romantic escape, or an in-depth exploration of Yunnan's ethnic diversity and natural wonders, AOT has the expertise to craft the perfect itinerary for you.

Popular Destinations:

  • Kunming: The "Spring City" known for its pleasant climate and vibrant flowers.
  • Lijiang: A UNESCO World Heritage Site with a well-preserved ancient town.
  • Dali: Famous for its beautiful Erhai Lake and the ancient Bai culture.
  • Shangri-La: A gateway to Tibetan culture and stunning highland scenery.
  • Yuanyang Rice Terraces: Renowned for its spectacular rice terraces.
  • Xishuangbanna: Experience the tropical climate, rich biodiversity, and the unique Dai culture, including attractions like the Wild Elephant Valley and tropical rainforests.
  • Tiger Leaping Gorge: One of the deepest gorges in the world, offering breathtaking views and thrilling hiking trails along the Jinsha River.
  • Jianshui: A historic town known for its ancient architecture, including the well-preserved Jianshui Confucian Temple and the beautiful Zhu Family Garden.

Tour Packages:

Start planning your dream vacation today with Asia Odyssey Travel and experience the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Yunnan. Contact us to begin your journey.

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