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How to Plan a Trip to Lijiang Yunnan (Updated 2024)?

Written by Senior Expert Felicia|Updated: 2024-06-28

Welcome to Lijiang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled amidst the majestic peaks of Yunnan Province. Lijiang's captivating blend of Naxi culture, enchanting Old Town, and breathtaking natural beauty promises an unforgettable adventure. If you're considering plan a trip to Lijiang, rest assured that this enchanting destination is well worth the visit.

This comprehensive Lijiang travel guide will assist you in planning your trip to Lijiang. We'll navigate you through the best times to visit, must-see attractions like Lijiang Old Town, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Tiger Leaping Gorge, and the most comfortable ways to get around the city. Discover insider tips on indulging in Lijiang's delectable cuisine and unique cultural experiences. Don't miss your chance to explore this captivating region - join our expertly curated Lijiang tour package and embark on an unforgettable journey through Lijiang's magic!

Content Preview

  • triangleLijiang Tourist Map - What to See in Lijiang
  • triangleTop Attractions & Best Things to Do in Lijiang
  • triangleHow Long to Stay in Lijiang & Suggested 2-3 Day Itineraries
  • triangleBest Time to Visit Lijiang - Mar to Apr, Oct to Dec
  • triangleHow to Get to Lijiang from Kunming, Dali, Shangri-La?
  • triangleHow to Get around Lijiang
  • triangleWhere to Stay in Lijiang - Popular Area to Stay
  • triangleWhat to Eat in Lijiang - Must-Try Lijiang Food
  • triangleExtend You Lijiang Tour in Yunnan
  • triangleTravel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Lijiang, Yunnan

Lijiang Tourist Map - What to See in Lijiang

Lijiang Tourist Map
Lijiang Attractions on map

Top Attractions & Best Things to Do in Lijiang

Lijiang Old Town - Heart and Soul of Lijiang

Lijiang Old Town is the heart and soul of Lijiang and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Lijiang Old Town is a charming and well-preserved ancient town that captivates visitors with its unique Naxi architecture and cultural heritage. The town's layout follows feng shui principles, with its narrow streets forming a maze-like pattern. Stepping into this ancient town feels like stepping back in time. The cobblestone streets, traditional Naxi architecture, and flowing canals create a picturesque setting.

As you wander through the alleys, you'll encounter beautifully adorned wooden houses, intricate stone carvings, and flowing canals lined with vibrant flowers. It's a delight to explore the local shops and boutiques, offering a wide array of traditional crafts, including Naxi embroidery, silverware, and handmade textiles. You can also indulge in the flavors of Naxi cuisine at the various eateries and teahouses scattered throughout the town. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the Square Street (四方街), the central square of the old town, where you can witness traditional Naxi music and dance performances.

One of the highlights of Lijiang Old Town is the Mu Palace, a well-preserved mansion that provides a glimpse into the lifestyle of the ruling Mu clan. From the top of the Wangu Tower (万古楼) on Lion Hill (狮子山), located in the west of the old town, you can enjoy panoramic views of the entire area, with the snow-capped Jade Dragon Snow Mountain serving as a dramatic backdrop.

Check more details and tourist information in Lijiang Old Town >>

Lijiang Ancient Town under Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Lijiang Ancient Town under Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Mu Palace, Lijiang
Mu Palace, Lijiang

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain - Cable Car Ride

Towering over Lijiang at an impressive 5,596 meters (16,404 feet), the snow-capped peak of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Yulong Xue Shan) is a sight that inspires awe. It is known for its snow-capped peaks, pristine glaciers, and diverse flora and fauna. The mountain offers breathtaking views and numerous outdoor activities.

One of the popular attractions is Glacier Park (冰川公园), accessible by cable car, where you can witness the grandeur of the glaciers up close. Another highlight is the Spruce Meadow (云杉坪), accessible by cable car, where you can marvel at the vast alpine meadows dotted with wildflowers. The Blue Moon Valley (蓝月谷), named for its ethereal blue-colored lakes, is a picturesque spot for photography and relaxation under the snow mountain.

For those seeking adventure, there are short-distance hiking trails of varying difficulty levels in the scenic area. You can also enjoy cultural performances, including the "Impression Lijiang" show at Ganhai Meadow, close to the entrance, which showcases the local ethnic culture against the backdrop of the mountain's stunning vistas.

Waterfall in Blue Moon Valley
Waterfall in Blue Moon Valley
Glacier Park in Yulong Snow Mountain
Glacier Park in Yulong Snow Mountain

Tiger Leaping Gorge - Towering Cliffs & Roaring River

Tiger Leaping Gorge, located about 60 kilometers north of Lijiang, is a spectacular canyon that the roaring waters of the Jinsha River, a tributary of the Yangtze River have carved. With the towering Yulong Snow Mountain (5,596 meters) and Haba Snow Mountain (5,396 meters) on either side, the gorge boasts towering cliffs that reach heights of 3,900 meters (12,795 feet). It is recognized as one of the world's deepest gorges, providing an exhilarating experience for visitors.

Tiger Leaping Gorge is a must-visit for nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts. The most popular and scenic trek is the High Trail, which follows the upper edge of the gorge and provides stunning views of the river, snow mountains, waterfalls, and towering cliffs. Check more details about Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking Trails in Yunnan Hiking Trails.

If you prefer not to trek, you can still enjoy the beauty of Tiger Leaping Gorge by visiting the Observation Deck. From there, you can view the Tiger Leaping Stone, steep cliffs, and the roaring rapids of the Jinsha River. The deck also features a sculpture of a roaring tiger, commemorating the legendary leap made by a tiger across the river from the Tiger Leaping Stone.

Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan
Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan
Marvel at Tiger Leaping Gorge
Marvel at Tiger Leaping Gorge

Baisha Village - Experience Naxi Culture & Baisha Mural

Baisha Village, located 10 km away from Lijiang Old Town, is a historic village that serves as a captivating showcase of the rich Naxi culture and art. It's also part of UNESCO World Heritage Site - Old Town of Lijiang. One of its main highlights is the ancient Baisha Mural, a collection of exquisite frescoes dating back to the Ming Dynasty.

In addition to the Baisha Mural, Baisha Village offers numerous opportunities to immerse yourself in the traditional Naxi culture, including visiting a traditional Naxi family, cooking Lijiang Baba, a popular Naxi street food, writing Dongba hieroglyphics, making traditional crafts batik painting and Naxi embroidery.

Baisha Village promises an enriching cultural experience, enabling visitors to appreciate the Naxi heritage through its art, cuisine, craftsmanship, and traditions.

Shuhe Ancient Town - Appreciate Naxi Architecture

Shuhe Ancient Town is a well-preserved Naxi village located 6 km away from Lijiang Old Town, another part of UNESCO World Heritage Site - Old Town of Lijiang. This charming town boasts a similar architectural style to Lijiang Old Town, with narrow cobbled streets lined with traditional Naxi houses and shops. Canals meander through the town, adding to its tranquil atmosphere. It offers a quieter and more serene atmosphere compared to the bustling Lijiang Old Town. The town is known for its well-preserved Naxi architecture and the ancient Tea Horse Road, a historic trading route connecting Yunnan with Tibet.

Stroll through the stone-paved streets, visit the ancient temples, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance. You can also enjoy a cup of traditional Naxi tea or browse through the local shops for unique handicrafts and souvenirs.

Lijiang has more to offer, check Thing to Do in Lijiang & Lijiang Attractions to find more you can explore in Lijiang.

Baisha Village, known for its traditional Naxi architecture
Baisha Village, known for its traditional Naxi architecture
Visit Baisha Murals in Lijiang
Visit Baisha Murals in Lijiang

How Long to Stay in Lijiang & Suggested 2-3 Day Itineraries

To fully appreciate the highlights of Lijiang and immerse yourself in its rich cultural heritage, it is recommended to stay in Lijiang for 2 to 3 days. This duration allows you to explore the key attractions of Lijiang, experience the local culture, and enjoy the natural beauty of the region.

2 Days in Lijiang - Best Lijiang Tour in Lijiang Old Town and Yulong Snow Mountain

Day 1: After arrival in Lijiang, you can dedicate your time to exploring Lijiang Old Town and its surroundings. Wander through the narrow streets, admire the traditional Naxi architecture, and visit the Mu Palace and Black Dragon Pool Park.

Day 2: Explore Zhongyi Market after breakfast to catch a glimpse into local life and culture. Then visit Yuhu Village under the Yulong Snow Mountain. Spend half a day in Baisha Village to appreciate Baisha Mural and experience Naxi Culture activities. If time allows, end your Lijiang tour in Shuhe Ancient Town.

3 Days in Lijiang - Lijiang to Tiger Leaping Gorge Tour

Day 1: After arrival in Lijiang, you can dedicate your time to exploring Lijiang Old Town and its surroundings. Wander through the narrow streets, admire the traditional Naxi architecture, and visit the Mu Palace and Black Dragon Pool Park.

Day 2: You can venture outside of Lijiang to visit the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Take a cable car ride to the Spruce Meadow, explore the Blue Moon Valley, and catch the "Impression Lijiang" outdoor performance. If time allows, visit the Shuhe and Baisha to experience Naxi Culture.

Day 3: You can spend half day visiting the majestic Tiger Leaping Gorge (Upper Gorge, no Hiking), admiring the First Bend of the Yangtze River by the way. Then return to Lijiang and departure.

Best Time to Visit Lijiang - Mar to Apr, Oct to Dec

The best time to visit Lijiang is generally considered to be all year round, with certain months offering more favorable weather conditions and fewer crowds. However, it is advisable to avoid Chinese public holidays (Chinese New Year, Labor Holiday, and National Day) and the peak tourist seasons from May to September, as these periods tend to be crowded with domestic tourists.

To enjoy pleasant weather and fewer crowds, the months of March, April, October, and November are particularly recommended. During these months, temperatures are generally mild, and you can explore the city comfortably without the sweltering heat or chilly cold.

In March and April, the spring season brings beautiful blossoms and blooming flowers, adding a touch of natural beauty to the surroundings. October and November, on the other hand, offer pleasant autumn weather with colorful foliage, creating a picturesque backdrop for your visit.

Check more details in Lijiang Weather & Best Time to Visit Lijiang.

Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Black Dragon Pool Park Autumn View
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town
Romantic Streets in Lijiang Old Town

How to Get to Lijiang from Kunming, Dali, Shangri-La?

From Kunming: high-speed train is good choice

If you are traveling from Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan province, the most convenient and popular option is to take a high-speed train to Lijiang. The train journey takes approximately 3 to 4 hours, and there are multiple daily departures. Check more information in Kunming to Lijiang Train.

From Dali or Shangri-La: overland travel is better

If you are coming from Dali or Shangri-La, which are popular tourist destinations in Yunnan, taking a private car or hiring a car with a driver is a common choice. The road trip from Dali to Lijiang takes around 2 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions. Similarly, the journey from Shangri-La to Lijiang takes approximately 3 to 4 hours. Hiring a car allows you to enjoy the scenic landscapes along the way and make stops at attractions if desired.

Check more detail in Dali to Lijiang and Lijiang to Shangri-La.

From Other Provinces or Long Distances: Flights available

If you are traveling from other provinces or long distances, the most convenient option is to take a flight to Lijiang. Lijiang Sanyi International Airport serves both domestic and international flights. Many major cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chengdu, have direct flights to Lijiang. The airport is located about 30 kilometers from Lijiang Old Town. From the airport, you can take a taxi, shuttle bus, or arrange for a private transfer to reach your destination in Lijiang.

Kunming Stone Forest
Kunming Stone Forest
Misty Morning at Erhai Lake
Misty Morning at Erhai Lake

How to Get around Lijiang

Getting around Lijiang and its surrounding areas can be done using various transportation options:

Lijiang Old Town:

Within Lijiang Old Town itself, the primary mode of transportation is walking. The old town's narrow streets and preserved architecture make it a pedestrian-only zone, prohibiting the use of bikes or cars.

Lijiang City:

In the wider Lijiang City area, taxis are a popular mode of transportation. However, it's worth noting that around Lijiang Old Town, especially during peak tourist seasons, the streets can become crowded. It's advisable to consider alternative options, for example, rent a bike.

To Tiger Leaping Gorge or Lugu Lake:

For excursions to attractions outside of Lijiang City, such as Tiger Leaping Gorge or Lugu Lake, taking a private car is the most practical option. You can arrange a private car or hire a driver to take you to these destinations. Private cars provide convenience, flexibility, and the freedom to explore at your own pace.

Where to Stay in Lijiang - Popular Area to Stay

Lijiang offers a range of accommodation options to suit different preferences and budgets. Here are popular areas to stay in Lijiang.

  1. In Lijiang Old Town:

Staying within Lijiang Old Town allows you to fully immerse yourself in the historic atmosphere and enjoy the convenience of being close to major attractions, shops, and restaurants. For a relatively quieter stay, it is recommended to consider accommodations in the southeastern or northwestern parts of the old town, as these areas tend to be slightly more serene compared to the bustling central areas.

  1. Around Lijiang Old Town:

If you prefer a quieter environment but still want easy access to Lijiang Old Town, consider staying in the areas surrounding the old town. You can find a mix of accommodation options, from boutique hotels to guesthouses. Some popular hotel locations include the northwest area, the south gate area, and the western side of Lijiang Old Town. These areas provide a quieter ambiance and are a good choice for those seeking a more relaxed stay.

  1. In Shuhe Ancient Town:

Shuhe Ancient Town is located about 6 kilometers northwest of Lijiang Old Town. It is a smaller and less crowded version of Lijiang Old Town, offering a more tranquil atmosphere. Staying in Shuhe Ancient Town allows you to experience the charm of a traditional Naxi village with its well-preserved architecture, peaceful streets, and beautiful surroundings.

  1. In Baisha Village:

Baisha Village is situated approximately 10 kilometers north of Lijiang Old Town. It is known for its historical significance and cultural heritage. Staying in Baisha Village provides an opportunity to delve into the traditional Naxi way of life and enjoy the village's serene environment. The village is surrounded by picturesque landscapes, making it a great choice for nature lovers.

Lijiang Old Town Amazing View
Lijiang Old Town Amazing View
Intricate cobblestone streets of Lijiang Old Town
Intricate cobblestone streets of Lijiang Old Town

What to Eat in Lijiang - Must-Try Lijiang Food

In Lijiang, you can indulge in a variety of delicious cuisines, including Yunnan cuisine, Naxi dishes, street food, and Tibetan dishes. Here are some recommendations for each category:

Yunnan Cuisine:

Yunnan Cuisine is famous for its diverse flavors and fresh ingredients. Some must-try Yunnan dishes in Lijiang include:

  • Crossing the Bridge Noodles (过桥米线): A popular Yunnan specialty featuring a bowl of steaming hot broth, served with ingredients like thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and rice noodles that you add to the broth.
  • Steam Pot Chicken (汽锅鸡): A traditional Yunnan dish where chicken is steamed with mushrooms, ham, and seasonings, resulting in tender and flavorful meat.
  • Wild Mushroom Dishes: Yunnan is abundant in wild mushrooms, and you can enjoy dishes prepared with various types of mushrooms like matsutake, porcini, and more.

Naxi Dishes:

Naxi cuisine is the local cuisine of the Naxi ethnic group, and it offers unique flavors and cooking techniques. Some must-try Naxi dishes in Lijiang include:

  • Cured Pork Ribs Hotpot (腊排骨火锅): A delicious and hearty hotpot variation featuring marinated and cured pork ribs cooked in a simmering broth.
  • Naxi Baobao Chicken (纳西爆爆鸡): A signature Naxi dish of stir-fried chicken with chili peppers, garlic, and Naxi spices, resulting in a spicy and flavorful dish.
  • Naxi Baba (纳西粑粑): A traditional Naxi flatbread made from wheat flour and served with various toppings such as minced meat, vegetables, or cheese.

Lijiang Street Food:

Exploring the street food scene in Lijiang is a must-do. Some popular street food items to try include:

  • Lijiang Baba (丽江粑粑): A local specialty, Lijiang Baba is a flatbread topped with various ingredients like minced meat, vegetables, or sweet fillings.
  • Grilled Skewers (烤串): You'll find a variety of grilled skewers with different meats, vegetables, and seasonings. Try the lamb skewers or vegetable skewers for a flavorful snack.
  • Lijiang Fried Potatoes (丽江炒土豆): Sliced potatoes stir-fried with spices and seasonings, creating a tasty and satisfying street food dish.

Tibetan Dishes:

Lijiang is close to Shangri-La, so it is influenced by Tibetan culture, and you can find Tibetan dishes to savor. Some must-try Tibetan foods include:

  • Yak Meat Dishes: Yak is a common ingredient in Tibetan cuisine, and dishes like Yak meat stew, Yak butter tea, and Yak momo (dumplings) are worth trying.
  • Tsampa (糌粑): A staple food in Tibetan cuisine, made from roasted barley flour, often mixed with butter tea or yogurt and enjoyed as a porridge or dough.
  • Tibetan Butter Tea (酥油茶): A unique and salty tea made with tea leaves, yak butter, and salt, offering a distinct flavor that is worth experiencing.

Exploring local markets, restaurants, and street food stalls will allow you to discover even more delicious and authentic dishes in Lijiang.

Beautiful Night View of Lijiang Old Town
Beautiful Night View of Lijiang Old Town
Baisha Village, Lijiang
Baisha Village, Lijiang

Extend You Lijiang Tour in Yunnan

Extending your tour in Yunnan to include other destinations will provide you with a diverse and enriching experience. Here are some highlights of each destination:

  1. Shangri-La(2-3 Days): Located in the Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Shangri-La offers stunning natural landscapes and a rich Tibetan culture. Visit the Songzanlin Monastery, often referred to as "Little Potala Palace," explore the Dukezong old town with its traditional Tibetan architecture, and immerse yourself in the local Tibetan customs and traditions. Additionally, the picturesque Napahai Lake and the scenic Tiger Leaping Gorge are worth a visit.
  2. Dali (2-3 Days): Known for its Bai ethnic culture, Dali Ancient City is just the beginning of what this region has to offer. Explore the nearby Xizhou and Zhoucheng villages to experience the Bai culture firsthand. Enjoy the serene beauty of Erhai Lake, hike in the Cangshan Mountains, and visit the intricate Three Pagodas. Dali is also famous for its tie-dye textile craftsmanship, so don't miss the chance to witness this traditional art form.
  3. Kunming (2-3 Days): As the capital city of Yunnan, Kunming has a lot to offer. In addition to Yuantong Temple and Green Lake Park, you can explore the nearby Western Hills, which offer panoramic views of the city. Kunming is also an excellent base for day trips to the nearby Stone Forest and Jiuxiang Scenic Area, famous for its karst caves and underground rivers.
  4. Yuanyang Rice Terraces (2-3 Days): This UNESCO World Heritage Site is renowned for its breathtaking terraced landscapes. Located in the Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, the Yuanyang Rice Terraces offer stunning vistas of cascading rice fields. Visit the Duoyishu and Bada Scenic Areas to witness the sunrise or sunset over the terraces, explore local Hani villages, and immerse yourself in the unique local culture.
  5. Xishuangbanna(2-3 Days): Situated in the southern part of Yunnan, Xishuangbanna is known for its tropical rainforests and diverse ethnic groups. Visit the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, explore the Dai minority villages, and experience the Water Splashing Festival, a traditional Dai celebration. Don't miss the chance to taste the local Pu'er tea, which is grown in the region.

Each of these destinations offers its own unique beauty and cultural experiences. Depending on the time available, you can allocate a few days to each place or prioritize the ones that resonate most with your interests. Regardless of the itinerary you choose, extending your tour in Yunnan will provide a memorable journey through the diverse landscapes and cultures of the region.

Blue Moon Valley known as Little Jiuzhaigou Valley
Blue Moon Valley known as Little Jiuzhaigou Valley
Large Water Wheel in Lijiang Old Town
Large Water Wheel in Lijiang Old Town

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Lijiang, Yunnan

Travel to Lijiang with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and indulge yourself in the enchanting beauty and vibrant culture of Yunnan. With over a decade of experience in the region, AOT is a trusted travel partner that provides a variety of customizable Lijiang tour packages, catering to the preferences of every traveler. Whether you're looking for a old town explore, a snow mountain adventure, a romantic escape, or a cultural exploration of Lijiang and its Naxi minority heritage, AOT has the expertise to curate the perfect itinerary for your needs. Immerse yourself in the wonders of Lijiang with AOT and create unforgettable memories in this captivating destination.

Popular Attractions: Lijiang Old Town, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tour Packages: Lijiang Tours, Lijiang Shangri-La Tours, Kunming Lijiang Tours

Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Asia Odyssey Travel and explore the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Lijiang. Contact us today to start planning your dream vacation.

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