Zhangjiajie to Kunming Train Distance & Time

As of June 2024 there are no high-speed trains going from Zhangjiajie to Kunming, only trains from Zhangjiajie to Kunming is serviced by normal-speed regular trains, which take around 19-22 hours to cover the distance of 1,323 kilometers (822 miles).
zhangjiajie to kunming train timetable
Several regular trains run daily from Zhangjiajie to Kunming, offering a scenic overnight journey. Currently, the 2 trains running from Zhangjiajie to Kunming both depart in the late afternoon around 4 pm and arrive by 1 pm the next day.
Do note that these direct trains from Zhangjiajie to Kunming are the older models and come with basic amenities. Read on to find out more details on cabin class and amenities on trains from Zhangjiajie to Kunming.
Train | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
K473 | 16:00 | 12:53 (next day) | 20 hours 53 minutes |
Z325 | 16:26 | 10:23 (next day) | 17 hours 57 minutes |
Zhangjiajie to Kunming Train Price & Tickets
Direct train from Zhangjiajie to Kunming including Z325 & K437 ticket prices range from RMB 163.5 for a hard seat to RMB 483.5 for a soft sleeper as of June 2024.

Zhangjiajie to Kunming Train Amenities
Seat Type | K473 | Z325 |
Soft Sleeper | CNY 483.5 (USD 71) | CNY 483.5 (USD 71) |
Hard Sleeper | CNY 280.5 (USD 44) | CNY 280.5 (USD 44) |
Hard Seat | CNY 163.5 (USD 24) | CNY 163.5 (USD 24) |
When selecting your seat on the Zhangjiajie to Kunming train, it's crucial to consider your preferences and priorities. The second-class seat is typically the most budget-friendly option.
Yet, considering the travel time of the direct train from Zhangjiajie to Kunming would last more than 20 hours, a sleeper ticket would be more ideal for most travelers.
Note: If you are concerned about privacy and do not want to share a room with strangers for an overnight travel, then skip the sleeper train and opt for transfer trains for a faster trip, as introduced below.
Flights from Zhangjiajie to Kunming take around 2 hours, costing $79-$420 depending on the airline, time of booking, and season.
Or, contact your travel expert at Asia Odyssey Travel for a free consultation. Start your trip from Zhangjiajie to Kunming!
Transfer Option for High Speed Train: Much Faster Way to Reach Kunming from Zhangjiajie
If you prefer to spend less time on the train to reach Kunming from Zhangjiajie, you can consider transferring at major stations such as Changsha or Huaihua in Hunan province, where you can switch to another high-speed train heading to Kunming, such as taking high-speed train G1367 from Zhangjia West Train Station to Huaihua South Train Station, then taking G2125 to reach Kunming South Railway Station. Ticket price for this train option from Zhangjie to Kunming starts from RMB 505 and the travel time is 7.5 hours.
This approach can sometimes reduce the Zhangjiajie to Kunming travel time by 15 hours or more, and there are abundant switching options to reach Kunming. However, this requires more planning to align the train schedules for your Kunming trip.
And of course you can always trust your travel expect at Asia Odyssey Travel with your Zhangjiajie to Kunming Journey. For personalized travel planning contact us for a free consultation.
Departure Station for Zhangjiajie to Kunming Train: Zhangjiajie Train Station

Zhangjiajie Railway Station Address: Guanliping, Yongding District, Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province(张家界市永定区官黎路)
Zhangjiajie Railway Station is centrally located within Zhangjiajie city, making it a convenient choice for travelers who are staying in the city or planning to visit the nearby Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.
The Zhangjiajie Train station is intricately connected to Zhangjiajie's public transportation network, providing easy access to the city center and other areas.
How to Get to Zhangjiajie Train Station from Scenic Area
From Wulingyuan Scenic Area: Take a bus to Zhangjiajie Central Bus Station, then transfer to taxi or bus no. 6 or 7. Alternatively, take a direct taxi (40-50 mins, CNY 100-150).
From Tianmen Mountain: Take a bus to the city center, then transfer to bus no. 6 or 7. Taxis are also available (15-20 mins, CNY 30-40).
Arrival Station for Zhangjiajie to Kunming Train: Kunming Train Station

Kunming South Railway Station Address: Xiangyuan Street, Chenggong District, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China (云南省昆明市呈贡区祥园街)
Kunming South Railway Station, a modern transportation hub, serves as the main station for high-speed trains in the city including all the trains from Zhangjiajie to Kunming as of June 2024.
Getting to Kunming City Center from Kunming South Station
Once you get off the train from Zhangjiajie to Kunming you would find several options to get to Kunming city centre:
Metro: Lines 1 and 4 connect the station directly to downtown Kunming and Kunming Changshui International Airport. The metro station is located on the B1 floor of the station building.
Bus: While not the most common option, there are public buses that connect the station to various parts of the city. You can inquire at the station's information desk for specific bus routes.
Taxi: Taxis are readily available at the station's designated taxi stands on the first floor (1F).
Prefer a more convenient travel experience? Contact your travel expert at Asia Odyssey Travel.
Our tours include seamless transportation and take care of logistics for you, from Zhangjiajie to Kunming or anywhere in Asia!
How to Plan a Zhangjiajie to Kunming Tour?

Zhangjiajie, famous for its vast scenic landscapes with soaring mountains that inspired the movie Avatar, can be a perfect addition to your Kunming, Yunnan tour, where you can experience the ethnic diversity and unique cultural immersion in China.
Zhangjiajie (2-4 Days): For Avatar Hallelujah Mountain, Tianmenshan, Glass Walkway & More
Enter via Wulingyuan Scenic Area and ascend Tianzi Mountain using the Bailong Elevator. Explore Tianzi & Yuanjiajie Nature Reserves, marveling at the "Sea of Clouds" and Avatar Hallelujah Mountain.
Top 10 Famous Mountains in China
Dedicate a day to Tianmenshan National Forest Park. Take the thrilling cable car up Tianmen Mountain and explore its wonders - Tianmen Cave, glass walkway, and breathtaking views.
(Optional): With a 4-day park pass, delve deeper into Zhangjiajie National Forest Park or visit Huangshi Village, a traditional Tujia minority village. Or even go on a side trip to
Note: Entry pass of Zhangjiajie Pass is valid for 4 days. The area is so vast with various marvellous landscapes and numerous awe-inspiring attractions(most would require a separate entry ticket on top of the entry pass).
That's why the route and travel plan matters in Zhangjiajie. Wanna skip the research and just enjoy your Zhangjiajie tirp? Your travel expert at Asia Odyssey Travel is here to help with your travel plan. Contact us now!
Kunming (2-3 Days):

Visit the historic Yuantong Temple with its beautiful architecture and serene gardens. Find peace and relaxation in the popular Green Lake Park, or hike up West Hill for panoramic city views and explore the Dragon Gate, a natural rock formation with historical significance.
Witness the unique karst formations of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Stone Forest, or immerse yourself in the dramatic landscapes painted in vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow at Dongchuan Red Land.
Jianshui Old Town (2 Days): Walk into the living Chinese history with well-preserved historical architecture and traditional culture of Jianshui Old Town unfolding, known for its Confucius Temple and Shuanglong Gate.
Yuanyang Rice Terraces (2 Days): Witness the breathtaking spectacle of these cascading rice paddies of Yuanyang Rice Terraces, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Capture the stunning beauty of the rice fields as they transform throughout the seasons.
Optional Destinations:From Zhangjiajie to Kunming & Beyond

Dali (2-3 days): Next, head to Dali, a charming town with a laid-back atmosphere. Explore the historic sites of the ancient Nanzhao Kingdom and unwind at Erhai Lake with most refreshing open lake view. Visit the iconic Three Pagodas is a must. Also you can visit Zhoucheng Village, embrace the local way of life.
Lijiang (2-3 days): Journey on to Lijiang. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is nestled among snow-capped Mountains in Yunnan . Visit the Lijiang Old town and the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Consider a side trip to Lugu Lake, a serene escape with natural beauty and ethnic diversity.
Tiger Leaping Gorge (1-2 days): Add this to your itinerary if you're up for a littl pleasant challenge. One of the deepest gorges in the world, it offers challenging Tiger Leaping Gorge hiking trails with breathtaking views of the Jinsha River.
Shangri-La (2-3 days): Continue your journey to Shangri-La, a mystical city with Tibetan influence. Visit the Songzanlin Monastery and immerse yourself in the diverse local culture.
Xishuangbanna (1-2 days):For nature lovers a visit to Xishuangbanna can be a great idea. Known for its tropical climate and rich biodiversity, Xishuangbanna welcomes you to the jungle!
Tengchong (1-2 days): If you have extra time, visit Tengchong. Known for its hot springs and volcanic landscapes, it's a great place for relaxation and nature exploration.
Pu'er (1-2 days): Another optional stop is Pu'er, famous for its distinct tea and its surprisingly predominant coffee production as well. Visit during the spring tea harvest to learn about tea production and participate in a traditional tea ceremony.
Tibet(4-8 days): Since you are in the western region of China why not go west all the way up from Yunnan to Tibet, a pristine destination that needs not further introduction!
To Southeast Asia(Multiple Days): With newly constructed China-Laos Railway you can even extend your Yunnan Trip to Laos and whole Southeast Asia!

Hop on Train from Zhangjiajie to Kunming, Join Asia Odyssey Travel
Kunming, the City of Eternal Spring in Southwestern China, offers a great array of things to do for its visitors. Wander through historical Kunming Old Street and Nanping Street. Experience the vibrant Dounan Flower Market at night. Visit iconic sites like the West Hill Scenic Area and Green Lake Park for scenic views. Delve into nature's beauty at the Yuanyang Rice Terraces or the dramatic Dongchuan Red Land. Don't miss the most iconic Stone Forest(shilin), and charming little old town of Jianshui.
So Hop on your Zhangjiajie to Kunming Train and journey on!
Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel - From Avatar Mountains to Everlasting Spring
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